Germany: Judge removes crucifix from courtroom in trial of Muslim who threatened a convert to Christianity – IOTW Report

Germany: Judge removes crucifix from courtroom in trial of Muslim who threatened a convert to Christianity

Jihad Watch:

The man is on trial for threatening someone who converted from Islam to Christianity, but now he says: “I’m a normal person, I’m not a [Muslim] believer, I have Christian friends.”

That seems unlikely in light of the fact that he is on trial for threatening to kill someone who left Islam for Christianity, in accord with Islam’s death penalty for apostasy. Nonetheless, Judge Klaus-Jürgen Schmid is anxious to accommodate him. If the defendant doesn’t like Christianity, then the crucifix must go!

German authorities such as Judge Schmid, in all their marvelous respect for diversity and multiculturalism, will find that the Muslim migrants they have welcomed into the country will not reciprocate this generous self-abnegation in any way. It will eventually dawn on Judge Schmid that Islam is, in the minds of all too many of those migrants, a supremacist and authoritarian ideology that demands his conversion, subjugation, or death. But by the time he has this realization it is likely to be far too late.  MORE


5 Comments on Germany: Judge removes crucifix from courtroom in trial of Muslim who threatened a convert to Christianity

  1. Perhaps the judge and his family should offer themselves up for rape, sharia law, genital mutilation, and no more of those pork sausages Germans love so much.

    Live your agnostic faith as a non-believer in anything.

  2. But if they remove the crucifix from the courtrooms, most Germans will never see one. A quarter of the Catholic parishes there have closed in the last 20 years and only 10% of self-identifying Catholics go to church regularly. They won’t be able to resist a wicked belief system without their own religious foundation and practice.

  3. @Reboot: WHAT youth? German birth rate as of 2016 is ONE POINT FIVE children, 0.6 children/woman BELOW replacement! This rate is the HIGHEST in 33 years! The “immigrant” birth rate, I wager, is at least three times the German one. Oh, and they are allowed to have more than 1 wife, by Allah!

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