Racist Yoga – IOTW Report

Racist Yoga

20 Comments on Racist Yoga

  1. There is a reason that I would not support my daughter to go to college ANYWHERE east of Pittsburg ……. too many liberals, or to the Univ of Michigan…….. too many Wolverines!

  2. Is it likewise racist for non western peoples to use westerm technology such as running water, aseptic medical techniques, the internal combustion engine, and all modern communications tech, etc etc etc ad nauseum?

  3. “take a moment to look outside of yourself and understand how the history of yoga practice in the United States is intimately linked to some of the larger forces of white supremacy.”

    Or just kill yourselves if this is soooo important to your Fee Fees.

  4. I couldn’t care less about Yoga, but as a member of the cisheteropatriarchy I can say definitively that I support the wearing of yoga pants by nubile hotties. Yoga pants are right up there with the thermos as the greatest invention ever.

  5. I practice ‘white supremacy’ every morning! Such a great way to start the day, along with a cup of coffee which I am sure is also white supremacist in some way. And bacon too. Yeah, pretty much everything I do is ‘white supremacist’. 🙂

  6. Miss Ghandi, here in America, we use toilet paper to clean ourselves with after taking a poo in what is called a toilet. The toilet paper and toilet might we white nationalist color, but we use it. We cleanse ourselves in a separate device called a “shower” or a “bathtub”.

    Maybe you can teach us the history of what India uses as toilets and to bathe themselves with. Oh yeah, its called the local river. Seen the Yamuna lately?

  7. It seems to me that this stupid cunt did some cultural appropriation with her name:

    “*Shreena Gandhi*, who co-authored the article with “antiracist white Jewish organizer, facilitator, and healer””

  8. Boatload of crap.
    This is what Lazlo the Eldest would call ‘Navel Gazing’
    The connections you can make about this or that is endless.
    The position of the doorknob on the house can probably be directly traced back to the betrayal of Jacques De Molay and the destruction of Templars
    It’s all shit, and they know it.

  9. Gee, I wonder where the Indians stole yoga from. When will these stupid bastards (or bitch’s, want to be gender correct) realize that all cultures were appropriated in some form or another, to one degree or another from others. Not so long ago that was considered an honor until the University Professors and other hacks needed something to justify their existances and started teaching this tripe to the students where it swelled and was excreted out today as part of the Social Justice Mantra and the Profs that started it get bigger houses, tenure, nicer cars, invitations to exquisitley catered faculty parties. Actual education nowcomes last at schools with the teachers coming first.

  10. I am white and proud but I can sympathize with this lady. How about I only use things invented by or made by white people and other races only use things created by their own race.

  11. And, HMMMMM! Back when I was in school, college and graduate school – admittedly a long time ago – we were taught that Asian Indians (and many Ehtiopians, for that matter) were Caucasians, just with a higher epidermal melanin count. Of course, back in those old, old days, we didn’t have to cope with dozens of gender identities and myriad other manifestations of lefty “evolution”…

    BTW, I’m 12 days shy of age 77.

  12. I am Indian-American, and appalled at this lady’s nonsense. “Cultural appropriation?” Professor, this is a free country and people can adopt anything they like, including yoga. Moreover, we West-raised Indians are sick and tired of the previous generation shoving heritage down our throat.

    If you are so determined to preserve your identity, stay back in India. I still enjoy some things my parents brought over, but my real loyalties are to the American Melting Pot.

  13. I think that convenience stores appropriate racism, hence they should all go. All eastern countries need to get rid of all things invented by America and white people. NOW!!!! Good grief, this is a “professor” no wonder the young are the way they are.

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