The Left Abhors Equality and a Fair Playing Field – IOTW Report

The Left Abhors Equality and a Fair Playing Field

The left is angry that a black woman was let go from as a police department cadet because of a social media post that used a racially disparaging epithet.

They aren’t so upset that a white cadet was let go for the exact same reason.



Far from being racist, this shows that the Little Rock Police Department treats everyone the same. This is a story of equality and maybe that’s why liberals are upset. They don’t actually want everyone to play by the same rules. They want privileges and special rights for themselves and minorities, while sticking it to white male heterosexual Christians who they consider the worst people on the planet.


4 Comments on The Left Abhors Equality and a Fair Playing Field

  1. As soon as we all realize this one basic fact, we can start to win some of these battles against the Left. It makes no sense to point out their hypocrisy or to offer up boatloads of factoids in response to their tactics. At best, that approach only confuses everyone into thinking that conservatives and Leftists are seeking the same outcomes and success will be found at the end of a long line of reasoning. It’s a long, arduous and fatiguing war with nothing to show for it in the end.

    At this point in the war what’s needed is the bare-knuckled approach, and that is to state in clear, unambiguous language — as is stated in the above example: “They don’t actually want everyone to play by the same rules. They want privileges and special rights for themselves and minorities, while sticking it to white male heterosexual Christians who they consider the worst people on the planet.”

    Now we’re getting somewhere. Now we’ve just lopped off all the ridiculous rigmarole that the Left exploits as “the fog of war.”

    There’s no foul in calling out the Left for what they are and what their true goals are. The Left NEVER starts from the premise that all their opposition needs to be persuaded are reason and truth. How can they when they have neither?

    Equal opportunity will never be enough for the Left. “Institutional racism” is a load of crap. Sexism is a two way street. There is only plain, old racism, bigotry and sexism, and the Left engages in all of it in order to attain their very unequal outcome.

  2. What is it with black people and people on the left?
    They just love them so much they can’t see their obvious faults. But why did they pick blacks and not Asians or Mexicans or American Indians?
    It’s beyond creepy

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