Update – FACT! Trump said memo is to be released – 100% – IOTW Report

Update – FACT! Trump said memo is to be released – 100%

Daily Caller-

President Trump will “100 percent” release the controversial FISA memo, according to comments heard directly after the State of the Union.

The President was leaving the House Chamber when reporters heard Rep. Jeff Duncan call out to Trump to ask him to release the House Intelligence Committee’s FISA memo.

The memo was compiled by Republicans and allegedly reveals the FBI’s mishandling of federal wiretaps in the Obama administration. The House Intelligence Committee voted this week to make the memo public and now the White House must approve the move.

Trump stopped and turned to Duncan and said “Oh yeah, don’t worry, 100 percent.”

15 Comments on Update – FACT! Trump said memo is to be released – 100%

  1. This is getting played just perfectly. After Trump releases the memo, the democrats will launch a refutation phase where they gnash teeth, sneer, and call the POTUS a stinking liar… and then Congress will vote to release the underlying evidence and testimony, much of it from the guilty parties themselves, and they democrats will look like the assholes they are… again.

    Momentum, once killed, starts to reverse. Obama may have had the press pool trained to lick his ass on command, but, sooner or later, everyone loves a winner and hates a loser, and the democrats are about to lose really hard.

    I’m wagering that some of the smarter guys in Congress like Gowdy and Nunes have agreed to let the FBI clean its own house and save its reputation as a crime fighting agency, and they’ve made it clear that denial of the obvious just ain’t gonna cut it. McCabe getting walked out of the FBI HQ is a great start. It means he wasn’t given time to clean out his office nor delete files on his computer.

    Hopefully, the FBI will go after its own dirty players with the intensity they go after some rag head retard they ran some sting on to make him think he was joining Al Qaeda… or even Martha Stewart.

  2. Don’t celebrate until the promises become reality. Americans have been vastly disappointed and hood-winked by political liars and their deceptions. Wolves guarding the hen house can always get their fill of what rightly belongs to the owners, not to the wolves. A government of wolves is destroying Americans. Trump has not proven himself yet to NOT be one of the wolves.

  3. I do hope that everyone in the FBI, DoJ, WH and congress have thought this thing through in order to deal swiftly and surely with the fallout from the memo and the release of the IG report, and it doesn’t turn into a three ring circus of legal missteps that cause the perpetrators to elude the consequences.

  4. Go on, “tRuth”, you just keep believing those doubts.
    Maybe Goldberg, Shapiro, Frum or even Chuck and Nancy can comfort you.

    More likely Friday (or late Thursday)…news cycle and all….

  5. tRuth, you are either blind, a troll, or an escaped mental patient from Bellvue.

    Lets judge if Trump is one of them by the looks on the faces of the filthy scum democrats sitting there in seething hate, and the hate being spewed by the media enemies. Its pretty clear if hes one of them or not… uh… hes NOT.

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