Gowdy Was Approached For Federal Judgeship – IOTW Report

Gowdy Was Approached For Federal Judgeship

Daily Caller: GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina was offered a federal judgeship in 2017, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The four-term Republican announced Wednesday that he will retire from Congress, just one day after Judge Dennis Shedd of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals assumed senior-status, a form of quasi-retirement under which judges leave active service while still participating in a handful of cases. The timing prompted speculation that Gowdy, a career prosecutor, would be tapped to succeed Shedd.

“He is not planning on becoming a judge,” a source close to the congressman told TheDCNF. “He was approached months ago and turned it down.” The source added that he will return to private practice.   MORE

20 Comments on Gowdy Was Approached For Federal Judgeship

  1. Bravo. I approve of someone not holding their position in congress till they’re first senile and second carried out in a body bag. It was never supposed to be a life time position. That being said, I hope who ever replaces his is a good choice.

  2. Oh, c’mon.
    The guy is working in a swamp.
    Hard just to keep from becoming corrupt, much less accomplishing anything.
    Give the dude a break. He’s one of the more honest and forthright guys in the House – of which he has only 1/438 th of the total voice – so he isn’t doing badly just to be heard above the din and confusion. The macabre and pernicious grunts and whistles of Maxine Waters, Sheila J-L, Elija Cummings, and that silly-hat woman Fred Wilson fill the airwaves with glee and abandon by the enemies of civilization, and drown out the voices of reason and truth.

    God Bless him, whatever he chooses to do.

    izlamo delenda est …

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