Coroner Defies Court Order To Release Autopsy Of Vegas Mass Murderer Paddock – IOTW Report

Coroner Defies Court Order To Release Autopsy Of Vegas Mass Murderer Paddock

Daily Caller: Clark County Nevada Coroner John Fudenberg is defying a court order to release the full autopsy report of Stephen Paddock, the shooter who caused the deadliest mass murder in the nation, killing 58 and wounding close to 700 people at a concert in Las Vegas.

District Court Judge Timothy Williams ordered the coroner Tuesday to immediately release the autopsy. Fudenberg is conferring with others in his office, and no date had been given for his compliance with the judge’s order, the corner’s office told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The office also told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which sued for the autopsy report, they wouldn’t release Paddock’s autopsy report until it was “finalized.”  MORE

23 Comments on Coroner Defies Court Order To Release Autopsy Of Vegas Mass Murderer Paddock

  1. Gotta say, I’m a little disappointed in the first paragraph of this article. It seems to assume facts not in evidence in this case. At least the Warren Commission made an attempt at a legal conclusion. So far, there’s been no criminal case decided in this matter.

  2. Organgrinder, when these “rogue bureaucrats” are not busy refusing to release legally required information to their enemies, they’re busy illegally releasing private information to their friends.

  3. “Does every public agency these days think they are a power unto themselves?”

    At this point there should be no longer any question why they have been attacking the Second Amendment right for citizens to keep and bear arms

  4. “Does every public agency these days think they are a power unto themselves?”

    At this point there should be no longer any question why they have been so persistent in attacking the Second Amendment right for citizens to keep and bear arms

  5. Don’t worry, the FBI is investigating, what could go wrong? Clinton, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Russia interference, Huma and the Weiner, Bundy, oh, never mind.

    It seems that whatever the Federal Bureau of Incompetence investigates, gets more muddled.

  6. @organgrinder February 1, 2018 at 11:28 am

    > Does every public agency these days think they are a power unto themselves?

    When the proles are subject to “regulation” rather than “law”, why shouldn’t the apparatchiks think themselves omnipotent. It’s not like they’re mistaken.

  7. No co-incidences.
    No paradoxes.
    No unintended consequences.

    Nothing happens in bureaucrat-land without some compelling reason.
    A guy’s not going to defy a judge and risk his career, unless he isn’t risking his career. Somebody has a bigger dick than the judge.

    izlamo delenda est …

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