Leftists Simultaneously Wish the White Powder Sent to Trump Family Killed Them, and They Don’t Believe It Happened – IOTW Report

Leftists Simultaneously Wish the White Powder Sent to Trump Family Killed Them, and They Don’t Believe It Happened

I’m not going to catalog every deranged leftist’s tweet. Here’s a flavor of all the different sentiments:

I don’t believe the Donald Trump Jr. white powder story for a second. The entire family is a bunch of liars. Nice distraction technique though.

Here’s the problem with the Donald Trump Jr story: he’s a liar.

Sorry, but I’ll be worrying about the millions of immigrants the Trump family is terrorizing and deporting before I worry about a prank played on Donald Trump Jr’s wife.

I got about a few million immigrants that I have to be concerned about before I can give a fuck about Donald Trump Jr ‘s wife.

Did Donald Trump Jr forget he mail ordered his cocaine again?

It was cornstarch for the love of god. Probably sent it to themselves to deflect from all the real bs going on in Washington.


20 Comments on Leftists Simultaneously Wish the White Powder Sent to Trump Family Killed Them, and They Don’t Believe It Happened

  1. These demented lefties create a new and even more toxic and disgusting species of sewage lagoon pond scum every day! I guess one should at least give them some credit for somewhat creative insanity.

  2. The Q followers here know he predicted some sort of attack on Don Jr. a couple weeks ago. Which begs the question why was she opening envelopes in the first place. Where’s their protection detail?
    As far as the lefties go, when can we start inflicting pain on these ass holes?

  3. It should have said, you’re right Brad. It’s hard to believe my New Years resolution was to improve my proof reading. You know, I’m 100% just 10 seconds after I hit post comment.

  4. **I got about a few million immigrants that I have to be concerned about before I can give a fuck about Donald Trump Jr ‘s wife.**

    Note to this fuckstick-
    First off, you left out the word “illegal.”
    Next, your “worrying” about illegal immigrants
    may help you feel like your life means something, but it accomplishes nothing. It’s all “feelz.” Just like your past policies accomplish nothing but misery to the real world.
    Your precious Obama deported more than we have here. Why weren’t you “worrying” then?

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