Weed Killer – IOTW Report

Weed Killer

37 Comments on Weed Killer

  1. He took a knee for the Presidential portrait….hired a faggot painter who can’t bake a cake. This one, this move shows me that I didn’t disrespect or hate him enough….unbelievable….

  2. Dear God i love this.
    These paintings(sarc) are being blasted everywhere.
    And they will sit in the laughing room of the Smithonian forever.
    What better to showcase the WORST PRESIDENT IN EVER.
    Jimmy Carter must be laughing his ass off.

  3. Whatsthematterforya’ll? Those two portraits are perfect. They lack talent and dignity. They belong in Obama’s library, not the White House.
    The artists have what is know in golf as a “LOFT” problem:
    Lack of fucking talent!

  4. Just the Obamas continuing to poke the American people in the eye.

    I read that the painter of Zero’s portrait not only likes to paint pictures of black women beheading white women, but he has engaged in spirit cooking with Jay-Z, lives in Beijing, and has stated publically that his other portraits are “kill whitey.” It disgusts me that his work will hang in the Smithsonian.

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