Julie Gerstein of Buzzfeed is a Little Light in the Bosom – IOTW Report

Julie Gerstein of Buzzfeed is a Little Light in the Bosom

I found a video of Julie Gerstein and I pawed over it, looking at her chest, and she seems a little light in that area. Here she is bending over and we get a bit of a shot down her blouse. Meh.

See, when she’s standing it’s just average, maybe less.

If this were the olympics she wouldn’t even medal.

Why am I doing this, objectifying a woman so blatantly, even during the #MeToo era?

Because Julie Gerstein has set the standard that I think we should all live by when she wrote this for Buzzfeed—>

11 Men’s Luge Bulges That All Deserve Gold Medals.

Then she goes on to post pictures and rate them.

Oh, Julie has a face, but who really cares, right? It’s all about the T&A, and she doesn’t really have what it takes to be a gold medal winner. Too bad. She can try again in another life.

ht/ annie

32 Comments on Julie Gerstein of Buzzfeed is a Little Light in the Bosom

  1. I was at the Gig Harbor WA pistol range one day about thirty years ago and there were a couple females there shooting silhouette targets calling out their shots:
    Left testicle
    right testicle
    right in the face

    and this went on for an hour or so.

    A couple twenty or so year-old guys showed up and after another half an hour proceeded to hang a silhouette target and calling out their shots blew both tits and the crotch out of it while calling their shots and the those two gals had the nerve to file a complaint with the Club Board of Directors.

    I was called as a witness and said that I thought that the two gals were doing their best to provoke a reaction and after putting up with their boorish behavior they were successful in getting a reaction.

  2. Almost as flat as my billiard table. Knew a girl in college that had an “outie” for a navel – it was there to compensate for her two “innies”! ;^) This one comes pretty close. Wonder if she has an “outie”??

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