Trump says arming teachers could prevent school massacres – IOTW Report

Trump says arming teachers could prevent school massacres


Trump voiced support for the idea during an emotional White House meeting with students who survived the shooting and a parent whose child did not.

“If you had a teacher … who was adept at firearms, it could very well end the attack very quickly,” said Trump, who acknowledged the idea would be controversial.

He sat in the middle of a semi-circle in the State Dining Room of the White House, listening intently as students wept and pleaded for change. He vowed to take steps to improve background checks for gun buyers.

“I don’t understand why I can still go in a store and buy a weapon of war, an AR,” said Sam Zeif, 18, sobbing after he described texting his family members during the Florida shooting.

”We’re going to be very strong on background checks, we’re doing very strong background checks, very strong emphasis on the

mental health,” Trump said.

“It’s not going to be talk like it has been in the past,” Trump said.


17 Comments on Trump says arming teachers could prevent school massacres

  1. Hell, just putting up a sign that says school personnel are encouraged to lawfully carry their concealed weapons would stop almost all of them. Those cowards are not picking gun free zones for no reason.

  2. I’d like to see what would happen to a shooter if they were to enter a predominantly black high school like in maybe Baltimore or Detroit.

    They know better, right?

    The shooter’s are evil; not stupid.

  3. MASS SHOOTINGS under last 4 Presidents before President Trump

    George H. W. Bush – 7 mass shootings
    Bill Clinton – 18 mass shootings
    George W. Bush – 15 mass shootings
    Barack Obama – 37 mass shootings

    Up 246% from Bush to Obama
    … but … it’s Trump’s fault!

  4. This was a great event. It was actually some what productive. Trumps got a knack for getting people to interact. There were two parents there that had lost very young children at Sandy Hook. Both anti gun and liberal. They have some foundation set up and one of them told Trump that this wasn’t his first time to the White House and that he’s actually been there a couple times. And he’s visited a bunch of Senators. “Nothing Ever Gets Done, we finally decided we’d try something our selves”. If something does get done, which it will, I’m thinking in 2020 people like this are voting Trump.

  5. “Trumps got a knack for getting people to interact.”

    Unlike Beer Summit Barky. Lord, what a putz. Six months into his first term for that Own Goal.

    Trump is one of the most empathetic presidents we’ve had. Most people sense this. The MSM is lying about it at their own peril.

  6. The witness of the father (and his two sons) whose daughter was murdered in FL was gut-wrenching. To hear the anguish and anger in his voice and to hear and understand how clearly he sees what the real issue is, is breathtaking. And he is right. Argue and legislate or not legislate guns and control, argue the relative fine points of all of it, but first STOP it from happening.

    The only thing that was absent from the ideas offered was what that teacher down in FL put on her FB page. No one talked about WHY our culture has changed that allows for the tolerance of disrespect and violence in schools. And it made me sick, sick, sick, to hear all those school people from the local D.C. area talking about installing metal detectors and going through everyone’s backpacks, and having the equivalent of dedicated social workers on site all the time. I hardly think we all want to model our schools after the failures of D.C. public schools. It’s a model of NOT fixing the real problems, but instead putting everyone through the wringer for them. I hate that.


  7. It looks to me like Trump wants more good guns on the street and in the schools. Jim Jordan says there will be no new gun legislation passed that did not include Nationwide Reciprocity.

  8. I think President Trump would do well by having a national address on this and have on TV. It would make a big difference in how this issue is being presented and understood, and people would pay attention. There’s a couple issues he needs to address for the whole nation.

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