Another Trump-hating Olympian wipes out – IOTW Report

Another Trump-hating Olympian wipes out

American Thinker: Call it coincidence, karma, or bad juju, but it looks as though denouncing the POTUS while representing the USA at the Winter Olympics is correlated with unexpectedly dismal performance.  Joining Lindsey Vonn, Adam Rippon, and Shani Davis in experiencing the Trump-haters’ jinx is Maddie Bowman, who established her Trump-hating credentials a year ago.

Don Surber writes:

A year ago, Olympian Maddie Bowman said would not visit White House if she win another gold at the Winter Olympics.

Not a problem.

The Trump Effect took care of that for Bowman.  MORE


26 Comments on Another Trump-hating Olympian wipes out

  1. Gee wonder what they had planned for a grand celebratory pageant upon return, if not the traditional WH visit.
    Since they’re coming back empty handed, I guess a sucky Losers Parade at Disney will have to do.

  2. President Trump should invite them to the White House anyway, so they can look foolish all over again.
    Present them with the Homer Simpson award: You tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is…never try.

  3. One unfortunate aspect of this is the amount of tax dollars that went into sending these ungrateful parasites half way around the world to fall on their face. At least they were provided with 500 condoms apiece so they don’t create a bunch of other ungrateful parasites.

  4. In my own mundane opinion I feel that these modern athletes live in an elitist cocoon, surrounded by admirers and ass kissers. So they feel free to insult America and America’s President and are then the bees knees at the cocktail parties. Then they get a deluge of different opinions, hate mail, if you will, and it phucks their minds up. They can’t concentrate, so they Phuck up. Phuckem!
    Watched Jim Thorpe, Jesse Owens, Bob Matthias, over the week. Real Americans.

  5. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom — Prov 9:10

    Not medalling in the Olympics is the least of their worries, eh?

    I wouldn’t go up against an administration that has a weekly Bible study, would you?

  6. They could have kept their pie holes shut and just not go to the White House. But no. They trash talked before, during, and will after the olympics about Trump. And they’re doing it in NOKO of all places. I don’t care if the pres is dem or repub, you shouldn’t be on foreign soil trash talking the president, your vice president, or your countrymen because you don’t like who they voted for. Classless.

  7. You are watching God’s protection at work. Trump is not perfect but he’s a good man. Multiply that protection by a billion because he’s in the most powerful position in the world.

  8. When I was crew on a submarine annually I had to do a one on one interview with the CO. His state room was small. On the wall above his head was a small brass plaque that had these words on it.

    “Keep your words short and sweet. Because you may have to eat them.”

    Good advice for these Trump-haters too.

  9. Don’t expect liberals to ever figure out ANYTHING resulting from their bad policie or behavior.

    Look at Europe? They are being raped to death and they worried about how they can cram in 1 million more!

  10. If FOX were covering the Olympics, they’d play The Surfari’s “Wipeout,” every time one of these ANTI-American dodo’s came up to do their thing. >:->

    And BECAUSE they’d wipeout, it’d be PERFECT! 😆

  11. Less talky, more practice.

    These self-centered homos wasted their entire lives practicing for something that, when the moment came, they completely distracted themselves on and disgraced our country at the same time.

    If you start disrespecting your country at the Olympics, everything should be revoked, pay back endorsements, here’s your plane ticket.

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