Rockwell’s Art Reimagined By “Modern” Artists – IOTW Report

Rockwell’s Art Reimagined By “Modern” Artists

illustr8r alerted me to a Smithsonian article where 4 artists were chosen to reimagine Norman Rockwell’s 4 iconic Saturday Evening Post covers that comprised the “Four Freedoms.”

Rockwell’s Four Freedoms were already a reimagining of sorts. They were based on a speech made by FDR that largely went unnoticed until 2 years later when Rockwell made the speech more accessible with his depictions.


Needless to say, Smithsonian has “modernized” the Four Freedoms by commissioning four artists that know nothing at all except run-of-the-mill claptrap and buzzwords that are guaranteed to get you the commission.

Diversity, truth to power, institutional racism,  and an accusation that Americans do not like immigrants, I kid you not, are all part of these modern artist’s descriptions of their work.

I thought art was supposed to challenge the viewer, not make them fall asleep?

Only a progressive would think our freedoms would have to be reiterated in art, but through the lens of the grievance industrial complex, one that has been sucking at the nearly dry government teet for decades.

illustr8r sent me the alert. She said:

Apparently, 21st century artists are unable match the talent and technique of ol’ Norman Rockwell.

The Four Freedoms don’t need to be reimagined in the first place.


Freedom from Common Sense
Freedom from Gender…?


29 Comments on Rockwell’s Art Reimagined By “Modern” Artists

  1. They all either debase whites or co-opt our cultural traditions into grotesque alien charectures that are tawdry and unrecognizable.
    Screw the Smithsonian, Rockwell did it best

  2. The whole premise was faulty to begin with. FDR was a Libtard Socialist, and his “Four Freedoms” speech was part of his Second Bill of Rights (ptui!).
    This is the sandy foundation that today’s Libtard socialists are still attempting to build their utopian society on.

  3. Still promoting the distortions of the Left with: ‘Why do I have a dislike of immigrants?’
    We don’t dislike immigrants. The problem is with ILLEGAL Immigrants! Get it right, get it accurate and get it straight for once and for all!!
    More distortions are portraying the predominance of Blacks, homosexuals and transexuals. Watching TV anymore and you’d think that Blacks are 86% of the population and that half your neighbors are homosexuals or transexuals. The only thing wrong with requesting fair representation of all races on TV is that it would be held up as the classic, shining example of White Supremacy!

  4. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  5. FTA: “In the original Freedom of Worship, the five figures in the center are all white. The fringes are people of color,” O’Brien says. “That’s what institutional racism is, when you fail to notice things like that.”

    One the other hand, I would say “That’s what being a leftist is, when that is the first thing you notice.”

  6. @BROWN ~ AND …. thinking of how western civilization through Christianity brought medicine, education and the arts to the darker, uncivilized places in the world. After the Brits left India it could have reverted back to Indian ways culturally, but chose not to.

  7. I have always loved Rockwell and I recall “serious art lovers” including my high school art teacher criticizing Rockwell as a “mere illustrator.” Yeah well if you had half the talent as Rockwell you wouldn’t be teaching a high school art class.

  8. Not one of the remakes was as good as the original.

    (Smithsonian moderated this exact comment on their site. It will be interesting to come back to later and see if they approved it for posting.)

  9. Here are the very last words I ever read in Smithsonian:

    “Did a pin ever land you in hot water?”

    “Definitely. When I went to Russia with President Bill Clinton for a summit, I wore a pin with the hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, speak-no evil monkeys, because the Russians never would talk about what was really going on during their conflict with Chechnya. President Vladimir Putin asked why I was wearing those monkeys. I said, because of your Chechnya policy. He was not amused. I probably went too far.”

  10. What passes for art nowadays is like what passes for education, dumbed down garbage.

    Thirdtwin, I wonder if Madeleine Not All That bright wore the three monkeys pin when she was standing on the steps of the Capital with the other flunkie Progs supporting Bill Clinton when he lied about Monica.

  11. @F.D.R. in Hell February 24, 2018 at 10:10 am – Next, they’ll be remaking GONE WITH THE WIND and THE WIZARD OF OZ with all-negro casts.”

    They’ll have to put a white in Hattie McDaniel’s role.

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