Guess The Reader – IOTW Report

Guess The Reader

Our last reader was Benito the Bombed Beaner.

Here is the latest—>

43 Comments on Guess The Reader

  1. I’m gonna guess she carries at least two self preservation units and doesn’t take any cr@p from anyone, and that’s not because of the black eyes. There is a self determination in her stance.

    What a cutie. No wallflower this little lady. Or is this Bad Brad?

  2. Molon Labe — That’s what I thought, too. Those aren’t blackened eyes. Almost looks like someone had something like a scuba or Halloween mask on and someone else tagged ’em with black spray paint. The only reason this would make sense to me is having two older brothers and an older sister. Anything can happen.

    But who is it? What might make this more interesting is to drop a few hints. 🙂


    (let the hate begin) Nothing you already told her 3 times !
    lighten up Francis, its a joke, : for the record I do not condone any unnecessary violence against women

  4. ML ‘Prince Valiant’. LOL

    Hard to guess since it’s that age where boys and girls kind of look alike, plus it looks like a ‘70s pic. I look back on my family pics from then, and even my Dad had hair almost to his shoulders. No idea who is in the pic, but thanks for taking me back there. Hope those were fake black eyes.

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