Must Watch – Speech Directed at Dem’s Failings Should Be Put On Repeat and Played Every Day – IOTW Report

Must Watch – Speech Directed at Dem’s Failings Should Be Put On Repeat and Played Every Day

must watch—- this is a rising star:

30 Comments on Must Watch – Speech Directed at Dem’s Failings Should Be Put On Repeat and Played Every Day

  1. At 5:40 he said he’s thrilled the Democrats no longer believe in their old institutional racism.

    That debate would not be the place to get into it but he’s clearly well-informed and very intelligent so he HAS to know the Left still has those old racist beliefs because that’s how they stay in power. The old racism has just taken on different forms and expressions.

  2. So, a glimmer of hope for Virginia…. We have a few good ones, but between North VA, Tidewater and Richmond the rest of the state has no voice…

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. He’s mine! …smile….. He is running for the Va. 9th Congressional District, now that Bob Goodlatte is retiring. Hmmmmmmmm.

    Ron and Rand Paul both support him. Me, too. …Lady in Red

  4. This guy could be the next shooting star in the party. Very articulate with his analysis of the democratic approach to issues.
    I would love to have listened to the response if any lefty had the nerve to do so, but I’ll bet they had sense enough to keep quiet.

  5. He was on F&F this morning. Great job!
    When I heard he is running for the Senate it made my day.
    Now, see if he has any friends up here in Maine to take down Susan Collins!

  6. My understanding is the dems walked out of while he was speaking. I can’t think of anything that better underlines their utter contempt for the safety of not only children but EVERY citizen, and their unwillingness to do anything about gun violence but take all of them away from us.

  7. One minor criticism; he said the estimates for guns used for self defense range “from 100,000 to almost a million times” per year. The actual numbers are 1.5 million to 2.5 million, with the lower number from the Clinton administration.

  8. One of the dems got up and said he was offended. Offended by so much in that speech. He said his feelings were hurt and the other members of his side of the aisle were shaken up by Frietas’ comments. LOL!!! Aww, wittle dem got the sads.

  9. It would just tickle the shit out of me if these democRATS become so distraught that they would commit suicide every time someone exposes their corrupt and deceitful asses!

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