Against Fake Civility – IOTW Report

Against Fake Civility

Townhall: Kurt Schlichter- They tell us that our uppity refusal to quietly submit to abuse and subjugation, both figurative and literal, makes us bad people. Not only can we live with that, but we should celebrate it.

When the liberals and their squishy-soft allies in Conservative, Inc., start moaning about your dreadful incivility, that’s a clear indicator that you are doing something right and that you need to double down. Civility, once properly understood as a means to an end rather than an end in and of itself, has morphed from an aspiration into a political/cultural gimp suit designed to prevent you from effectively asserting your interests and your point of view.

For liberals, civility is a grift – they think it’s a punchline and they’re waiting to laugh at you for embracing it. It’s a way to keep you from interrupting their non-stop attacks on your rights, your faith, and your dignity by convincing you that it’s somehow wrong to get upset when, say, some Astroturf Tot backed up by a bunch of leftist Red Guard orgs like Planned Parenthood and Move On starts shrieking that you have blood on your hands.

For the Fredocons, civility is just an excuse for lounging on the Lido Deck while those of us not signed onto Team Submissive wade in and fight. It’s also an excuse to push back against the revolt of the Normals that their incompetent, self-serving bumbling created. They will never, ever attack the progressive cultural aggressors, those leftist savages spewing their death wishes against conservatives while saving the grossest sexual slurs for the brave female warriors whose will not back down in the face of progressive hate. Your refusal to knuckle under shames the sissycons. MORE HERE

12 Comments on Against Fake Civility

  1. That was a well strung litany of fightin’ words.
    Perhaps the best I have ever read, doubt the Progs can understand it, too many dog whistles they cannot hear.

  2. I have had civil arguments with liberals I know, but it was a two way street and frankly few and far between. I got tired of being civil somewhere at the beginning of Obama’s first term when some douchebag insisted I admit Obama was my President. No, Obama was the President, but he wasn’t my President.

    I’m also not on board with bipartisanship. Bipartisanship to a liberal means capitulation. Liberals need to be mocked and crushed, or crushed and mocked if you prefer. Either way, there is no compromising with today’s liberal – they must be defeated.

  3. Every morning, while I’m waiting in the exit lane after taking the kids to school, one asshole after another will come swooping in from another lane to cut in at the head of the line. And people in front of me who have followed the rules and waited in the same lane as me, will let them cut in line. I used to get mad at the ones who rolled over, but now I just say to myself “There’s another nice conservative.”

  4. I discovered “shooting the white”, was legal, could legally ride between cars on the giant parking lot Californians call a freeway. I was talking to a guy at work, he had a 20 oz. ball peen hammer on his handle bars, why?
    “Works better than shootin’ them.”
    For some reason people in California thought it was hilarious to open check their door when a motorcycle is shooting the white. You see the door swing, grab a handful of brake, they close the door and laugh.
    You only did it once to Biker Bob, no cells, you cannot read a tag through a broken window.
    I never busted any windows, did learn to look in rear view mirrors for eyes.
    Same thing now, doxing and such, some need a window broken, just to show we can.

  5. Kurt is again right.

    For many years those choosing to be quasi informed ignored the massive expansion of “The Nanny State” by the imposter GWB an said he was a “conservative”.

    After 10/18 when 2 liberal farmer Presidents named George made headlines saying they would vote Clinton; it was harder to call GWG a “Republican”. As Kurt has point out GWB has been in the news over a dozen times the last 14 months. Each and every time GWB attacks “normals” I hears his conservative hate as a direct attack on me.

    But it is only fair. I did pay attention to his Nanny State expansion from ’95 to ’00 and knew if he was “conservative” then Ronnie was a far left liberal! So I never voted FOR him!

    As Kurt says, and I am paraphrasing here,
    “Anyone with an IQ above room temperature, can plainly see that GWB never was and is not either a “good Republican” (who made Mueller and Come FBI chiefs?) nor a conservative.”.

    Bush has spent the last 18 months attacking “normals” and “normals” need to break his jaw!

    Hard for a gyu who wore “The E,G+A” to compliment a Doggie. But Kurt is right on all counts!
    Go Doggie! Kurt has both brains and guts!

    If you doubt his guts attack the quintessence of the radical Republican left and see how many stones come your way. I get bruised every day. (He be GWB; again for the quasi informed.)

  6. Schlichter was kinda ambiguous. Was he trying to make a point?

    All kidding aside, that was one powerful piece of writing that clearly tells how many people feel. I remember being at an anti-Hillarycare rally in Seattle in the ’90’. Leftist’s were telling conservatives “Look at how angry you are.”

    No, we are not angry. We are f**king pissed.

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