High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout – IOTW Report

High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout

The CollegeFix-

A California high school teacher has been placed on leave after she wondered if her school would permit an organized walkout to protest abortion.

According to CBS Sacramento, Rocklin High School’s Julianne Benzel said all she did was have a conversation with her class last Thursday and Friday about the “politics of protest” — a lesson ahead of yesterday’s school walkouts. However, this seems to have angered some students and their parents.

Benzel said “I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time—a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

She insists she “never discouraged her students from participating” in the demonstration, but considered the propriety of a (public) school supporting some protests … but not others.


13 Comments on High school teacher put on leave after asking if school would allow a pro-life walkout

  1. There are many reasons home schooling has grown the last 15 years. This is just 1 of many. Others include the degradation of teacher quality since ’06 (and maybe since ’89)

  2. This is that same school district that had the third graders picking their new gender identities and holding coming out parties for them. That story was posted here about 6 months ago. Rocklin is in Placer county. A very conservative county. I’m smelling a bunch of school board members losing their jobs.

  3. Seems like a logical discussion to me. Aka illegal and reviled hate speech.

    I agree about homeschooling. Put these kids in a place where they can ponder serious issues and challenge conventional wisdom.

    What is the definition of homeschooling anyway? Can this be subcontracted?

  4. “The Rocklin School District won’t say whether his teacher is in trouble, because of that classroom debate.”

    I smell a nice big ass law suit coming out of this if it ends badly for Ms Benzel.

  5. “The Rocklin School District won’t say whether his teacher is in trouble, because of that classroom debate.”

    The school district cannot comment about the case. There is an investigation pending.
    My old law firm, represents school districts throughout California, and has for decades.
    One of the many reasons the district can’t comment is the teacher has a right to privacy, which answering the question about trouble would violate. The teacher is free to say whatever she wants, but the district can’t say anything.


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