Gun-Owners Are Being Blamed for the Failures of Liberalism – IOTW Report

Gun-Owners Are Being Blamed for the Failures of Liberalism

American Thinker-

Liberalism is largely a process of adopting illogical and factually invalid positions and then artificially placing blame on its opponents when policies based on those positions inevitably fail.  For the blame to bear fruit, it is necessary for people of good conscience to be fooled into believing that their actions and beliefs are bad for society and have brought about shameful consequences.  At the same time, it is necessary for people whose consciences have already been deformed and co-opted by the faux morality of liberalism to be conditioned to think fellow citizens, who have caused no actual harm but hold contrary views, are evil.

We see this pattern repeated in the context of illegal immigration, global warming, environmentalism, opposition to Islamic subversion of Western culture, feminism, and social justice generally.  Nowhere has it been more acutely on display than in the left’s hatred of private gun ownership as the ultimate barrier against political overthrow.  In order to disarm the country, the left’s adherents must be tricked into believing that guns and gun ownership are irrevocably evil, and simultaneously that they and the policies they endorse have nothing to do with the “gun violence” they selectively decry.

In order for leftists to succeed, lawful gun-owners must be tricked into going along with this illusion.  Unfortunately for the left, people who are serious enough to decide to accept the responsibility of careful stewardship of firearms are not stupid enough to ignore that we are living in a cesspool entirely of the left’s making.  Not surprisingly, mature, responsible gun-owners have declined the left’s invitation to be caricatured and smeared as the scapegoats for where liberalism has taken us as a culture.

Read more:

ht/ Really Enraged

17 Comments on Gun-Owners Are Being Blamed for the Failures of Liberalism

  1. When I asked my 11 year old grandson if he’d like to come to the range during spring break and learn to shoot handguns, he asked “What kind?” I told him I have a nice .22 semi-auto that he could have fun with, after the safety lecture. He asked, “single stack or double stack?” Maybe there’s still hope.
    How ya doin’ Bad Brad?

  2. Made up genders should have equal rights as biological male/female partners, that means marriage and children.

    Socialism works because everyone has equal things. No poor people, and especially no rich people.

    Women get paid 77 cents on the dollar compared to a man. We need to take action to equalize that.

    Illegals should have the same equal rights as citizens.

    ..and countless other “equal” statements.

    Yet, when it comes to defending the actual life that surrounds these asinine ideas, equal protection is EVIL.

    Cognitive dissonance alive and well.

  3. As has been said many times, but is the ultimate retort to liberal gun grabbers, “my guns have killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy’s car”.

    That may need to be updated as fewer and fewer people know who he was.

    My guns have killed fewer people than Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy, Barack Obama’s healthcare system, EPA’s regulations, homosexuals diseases….

    I could go on, but I’m preaching to the choir.

  4. Mr. Mxyzptlk
    Doing OK. Working too much and not playing enough. It sounds like you’re doing well. Train that young man up. He’s very fortunate to have a knowledgeable Grandpa. We need to get more young people involved quickly.

  5. One of the best straight-to-the-point articles I have read. Jeff Brown is an rare example of an integrated thinker who both connects the dots and can explain the connections in plainly understood language.

  6. “Liberalism is largely a process of adopting illogical and factually invalid positions and then artificially placing blame on its opponents when policies based on those positions inevitably fail.”

    I don’t think it can be called “Liberalism” anymore. Well, at least not in the classic sense. Libtard Democrat, Republicans, and Globalists all fly the same flag and preach the same message. Trumps poking the swamp with a sharp stick and the swamps trying to fight back. But in all honesty the Globalists present more of a threat to America than any body else right now.

  7. @Bad_Brad: I just call it statism. After the article the other day about Paul Ryan’s PAC contributing to the defeat of one of his “own” party there’s nothing else left to conclude but that it’s the “State” vs. “We the People”.

  8. TommyBoy in IN

    Did you see that traitorous piece of shit today acting all disappointed the Dem won. To late Paul, that cats out of the bag. Globalists. They are a real threat.

  9. ” … the Globalists present more of a threat to America than any body else right now.”

    the Globalists do present the ultimate threat, but right now it is the ‘ejukashunal’ system, that has been too long ignored by lazy, uncaring parents that are too warped into their own hedonism to care that their children have been taken over by the State.
    It’s just a matter of time before the ‘old’ die out & the ‘new model citizen’ (patent pending) will take over new ‘Amerika’.
    this is the beginning … they can taste the change … the young today will willingly become our captors tomorrow

    Hitler & Lenin are smiling up from Hell

    btw, great article … I will steal quotes from it often


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