Global Warming or Sun Cycles? – IOTW Report

Global Warming or Sun Cycles?


An interesting piece in American Thinker today documents the history of the theory of man-made global warming. It originated during a time when climate research scientists feared all the soot in the air was going to cool the atmosphere and what appears, to this trained eye, as a trending downward in the number of sun spots  observed (starting with a relative peak in 1960).

This had me wondering if there could be some way, once and for all, to compare the predictive value of both approaches. If the current trend of relative calm in sun spot activity continues, as seems to be projected by NASA , perhaps we’ll have the conditions to test the staying power of anthropomorphic temperature increase against a sun spot predicted temperature decline. Of course the test would rely on the observers to honestly record temperature readings.






13 Comments on Global Warming or Sun Cycles?

  1. Us Ham Radio operators rely on sunspot activity (causes ionization of the troposphere or ionosphere or somesuch thing) for worldwide communications. Helps the signals “bounce”. It’s been many years since we’ve had a really good sunspot cycle. Sunspots run on an eleven year cycle . . . draw your own conclusions.

  2. It’s always amusing when liberals claim to be pro-science for believing in man-made global warming, but then can’t cite credible evidence for it, beyond ginned up computer models. They just say it’s “consensus.”
    97%, or something like that.

  3. The left don’t need or want no stinking facts. They just want the hustle, the con-job. The snow-job, if you will, but they wouldn’t admit to knowing what that phrase means. Though they might try claiming a snow-job is a nickname for a snow storm caused by AGW.

  4. seriously, anyone that has been paying any modest amount of attention to this climate scam realizes that the sun has more influence on our weather than any other factor … even volcanic activity

    but … why ruin a great shakedown on the stupid?

  5. Yesterday, our weather people predicted tornadoes, gail force winds, hail, all the worst parts of the Bible. It led to statewide school closures, massive inconvenience and, of course, wall-to-wall coverage. Stay tuned!

    It was a just thunderstorm. Like a million others before it.

    But don’t worry. They know with metaphysical certitude what the temperature is going to be 100 years from now.

    And let’s wreck our economy over it to boot. Let’s have the 9th Circus allow a lawsuit, where no one has standing, to sue our country over a problem that doesn’t exist.

    Hello. These kids are going to die in school shootings not by climate change. Get your story straight.

    It’ll be the “trial of the century”. So many judges need to be forcibly removed from the bench and tossed out of a helicopter at an entertaining height.

  6. I realized that if temperatures continue to fall over the next decade, global warmest will just claim that it would have been colder if not for global warming and that temps are really going to rise once sun spots start up again.


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