Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was (guessed right out of the gate by an ALAN SHERMAN fan!!) …. Rat Fink!

Our next reader is… 

And our hint is … “speaking of old time candy, here’s an old-time drink.”

31 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. Happy kid and darling outfit!

    I watched an old movie the other day with Deborah Kerr set in early WWII in which the Royal Navy came up with a drink called “Pink Gin”. Gorgeous looking drink. Some day I want to try it.

  2. Bosco? Ovaltine? Frostie? Nehi? Kickapoo Joy Juice? Dr. Brown? Squirt? Dad’s? Shasta? Tab? RC? Canada Dry? Mulled Wine? Wassel? Nik-L-Nips? Hires? Yoo-Hoo?

    I’m thinking Uncle Al already guessed it

  3. @Joe – My baby teeth were that bad, because I ate dirt and rocks and tar. Fortunately the 2nd set came in nice and even.

    And the cheek-pinching compliments from all the iOTW ladies? Blush, blush and aw thanks 🙂

    Happy? Yes! Happy family? Yes! Happy to this day? Yes! I’m an eternal optimist.

    And I still drink Moxie – have to find it at specialty soda shops.


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