British Airways Flight 5390 – IOTW Report

British Airways Flight 5390

Right now there are people on BA Flight 5390, Des Moines to Chicago. It should arrive (safely) at 2:24pm, Chicago time.

I wonder if anyone on that flight knows the history of a past BA 5390? I didn’t until JMB sent it to me. It is HARROWING.

Yes, that picture you see in the thumbnail depicts the captain on the outside of the plane at 17,000 feet.


40 Comments on British Airways Flight 5390

  1. Sorry but I have to get this out of my head and I hope someone can help.

    IS there an actual different in an omnibus bill and an actual spending bill/budget? I keep hearing that but have no idea if it’s just desperate shiny-happy spin or fact. Can someone verify?

  2. Grool,
    An Omnibus spending bill versus a real budget is like saying to the tax man – I made 100 grand and my deductions are 40 grand.
    The tax man asks, “can you be more specific on these deductions?”
    And you say, “no,
    it’s all bundled together. It’s the best I can do. I had no time.”

    An Omnibus bill combines several, or all, committees into a giant budget. They slip lots of pork in there and no one really knows for sure if money makes its way to where it’s most needed. This can be good and bad.

    For instance, the Army Corps of Engineers was a huge portion of the Omnibus bill. Some are saying this could very well end up funding the wall.

    That’s the difference between a precise budget and a bundled bill.

  3. That happened over a generation ago when the British were still smart, daring and brave, Men were men and women were women. Toxic masculinity hadn’t been invented yet.

  4. I’m a fan of the Air Crash Investigation series (I like to scare myself, I guess), and I saw this some years ago. The Co-pilot and the flight attendant who held onto the captain were true heroes. It is amazing that the captain was not injured more seriously. I agree with Zonga – those were the days that the British had real men. Stiff upper-lip, carry on, type of men.

  5. extirpates March 24, 2018 at 3:32 pm

    Ground crew probably forgot to clean the windshield!

    The wind shield was replaced the night before and the installer used the wrong size nuts and bolts. It was stated at the end of the video. That video was heart wrenching!

  6. It’s not often I’m speechless but this rendered me mute. British Airways should’ve checked references of the mechanic. Prior history of employment on the Exxon Valdez would’ve been a red flag.

    I caught that too bfh, they didn’t want to let go of the pilot for fear he’d damage the wing! Wonder if the pilot thanked them for saving his life before hearing this?

  7. My butt puckered while watching that. I did have a WTF moment when they talked about the captain’s body hitting the engine. I guess they assumed he was dead, but still.

  8. the President would be Constitutionally bound to the appropriations as set in a federal budget bill. Congress just handed him a wad of dosh with the suggestion it be spent in certain ways. he doesnt have to follow the suggestions. this is exactly what Obama did for 8 years- and he spent that money any frigging way he wanted. Trump has just informed Congress he is invoking the 1985 Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Act for their big, bloated crazy ass omnibus bill. he screwed them, not us, only they dont realize it yet.

  9. The most amazing part of this story is that British Airways (BRITISH Airways) has a flight from Des Moines to Chicago! What, we don’t have enough domestic carriers, we have to import them?

  10. This puts a new perspective on the 9 inch crack I found in my car’s windshield today. It was fine when I parked it Thursday evening. At least I think it was. It was dark on the drive home, and I recall hearing a rock hit my car on the way home. At least I was on the ground.

    I watched a similar story on the Smithsonian channel a few months ago. Maintenance crews were replacing bolts in an aileron. The day crew started the work. That the work was only half completed was not passed onto the on coming evening crew. The work was not completely before sending the plane out for its next scheduled flight, somewhere in Europe. The result was a crash all on board perished.

  11. Went to go collect my son from a sleepover after commenting earlier, and in the car I told him about this, and the reason it happened.

    Then I thought a little more about the flaw design they mentioned – that the window was mounted and screwed onto the plane’s surface from the OUTside and not the inside, which puts more pressure onto the screws to do their job – and was flabbergasted, not because of the discovery itself, but that they didn’t see this flaw at the initial phases of design and manufacture.

    I’m far from being an engineer, but even *I* have put together or constructed things and recognized that which side a certain part goes on matters. How can no one have ever noticed that? I do get that things happen, engineers are human, etc. But this is pretty basic stuff, for crying out loud.


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