Jim Carrey is Bitter Failed Actor and Horrible Artist – IOTW Report

Jim Carrey is Bitter Failed Actor and Horrible Artist

Now that his career is in the pooper, Jim Carrey has reinvented himself as an artist.

As an artist, myself, I can tell you the stuff he is producing for Twitter is pure crap.

It’s not because he’s a lefty and the content is not something I like or agree with (I have the ability to separate an artist from their politics and judge them on their talent), his drawings are simply amateurish.

Now, let’s examine the content.

It’s idiotic because Donald Trump was not president when Stormy alleges this affair took place. Also, the title is dumb. It’s a rhyme that makes little sense. If the moronic Carrey is trying to say that Trump is decaying the office of the presidency, why hasn’t he ever concerned himself with a man who actually had an affair while president, in the oval office?

The obvious bias is obvious.

25 Comments on Jim Carrey is Bitter Failed Actor and Horrible Artist

  1. I haven’t liked him since In Living Color, and he wore himself thin then. He can get fucked when he’s scraping for dollars like sheen, depp, penn, and the other leftist has beens.

    Shoulda took lessons from the Wayans loozer.

  2. I never thought he was funny, Jerry Lewis was funnier and even the French like him, not so much with Jim Carrey. I thought the Truman Show sucked even though a lot of people I know liked it. Will Farrell is another overrated comedian I can’t stand either.

  3. The alternative title to Carrey’s drawing is “Women As Commodities.” In an alternative interpretation of Carry’s drawing, Trump still has the ability and power to dial up a porn star for a quickie in between meetings, phone calls and tweets. Stormy Daniels is nothing more than an agenda item from 11:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. who is available when Trump schedules her and regardless of what she thinks of Trump. It’s like ordering a pizza. What a comment on modern feminism.

    Carrey, like most leftists, doesn’t have the balls to satirize Obama or the Clintons. How about “50 Shades of Gay?” Or a drawing of “Bill and Monica’s Excellent Adventure?” Or Hillary in a parody of “Falling Down” or “Take The Money And Run?” No, it’s easier to drudge up old rumors of non-politician Trumo.

  4. When did cartoons become “art”? And when did Jim Carey ever really have any talent?
    Listen up, Lefties? He was barely and I mean, JUST barely, an actor and I guess comedian, I must have failed to see his talent and/or humor me being all old and shit and somehow expecting actors to…ACT…and comedians to say something funny….he’s done, neither, ever, as far as I can tell, so…cartoons are STILL not art!

  5. As a cartoonist, Poor Lazlo is offended.
    Poor Lazlo must fight for fame, a rare commodity
    When I get famous, rest assured I will not suddenly start acting and putting out you tube videos of my rendition of Hamlet’s speech to Laertes, sung to the tune of Carmen

  6. Oops!
    Jim! Your obsession’s showing!
    Do you realize that President Trump doesn’t think of you AT ALL?
    (nor do most of us)

    You’re a pecker gnat – nothing more.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Shall we start a list of so called comics who aren’t funny and never have been?

    Carrey isn’t even at the top of the list.

    Whoopi Goldberg
    Joyless Behar
    Garrett Morris
    Chris Elliott
    Joan Rivers

    That’s a start.

  8. (To the background strains of Mantovani’s “Charmaine”):
    “That’s very nice, Mr. Carrey, but If you don’t take your medication, we’re going to take away your dayroom privileges.”


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