The Boston Marathon Will Now Allow Men To Compete in the Women’s Event- They Just Have To Say They Feel Like a Woman – IOTW Report

The Boston Marathon Will Now Allow Men To Compete in the Women’s Event- They Just Have To Say They Feel Like a Woman

I’m not kidding. The Boston Marathon says that the LGBTQ community has “been through enough,” so they are not going to require any documentation that a man is undergoing any transitional hormonal therapy, or any other information that is normally provided when competing in the Olympics, or other sanctioned sporting events, that prove you aren’t just some smart ass dude that wants to smoke the competition.

So, women, you are now potentially obsolete as competitors in the Boston Marathon, relegated to the back of the pack- literally.

From CNS-

Ben Shapiro comments:

“‘ABC quote[d a] doctor from [the] Boston-based LGBT health and advocacy center who insists that there’s “no physiologic advantage to being assigned male at birth.”’

“What in the world? There’s ‘no physiological advantage to being assigned …’— First of all, you’re not assigned a male at birth. Okay? It’s not like you come out genderless. It’s not like you come out and you’re just a ball of human flesh without a penis or a vagina and with no chromosomals, with no chromosomal description. That’s absurd. It’s absurd. You’re not assigned your sex at birth. What kind of stupidity is this?

“Okay, but I guess now we have to subjectively just dismiss science outright. It’s an amazing, amazing thing.”




28 Comments on The Boston Marathon Will Now Allow Men To Compete in the Women’s Event- They Just Have To Say They Feel Like a Woman

  1. my gender was not assigned at birth? who the hell am I then? I don’t have scales or fur or howl at the moon at night and I don’t pee squatting but stand upright. I don’t like Barbie dolls but squash bugs and spit in the wind. I look in the mirror and say– aw, me proud beauty god has blessed thee above all others. 🙂

  2. Another stain on sports. It is knocking itself out of people’s consciousness.

    Oh for the days of Mantle, Mays, Unitas, Gordie Howe, etc. I can’t take too much more shit.

  3. I don’t even like driving 26.2 miles, let alone run it.
    And I don’t wish to socialize with people who do. Male, female, he-male, she-male….ah whatever the gender police throw at us this week.

    Running a marathon is abnormal from the outset.
    Didn’t the first guy die? Yep.

    Gender? Who cares?

    All marathonmaniacs can steer clear of me. We won’t enjoy each other’s company. I can assure you.

  4. PHenry, I have run nearly 20 marathons and I assure you I might be crazy but that’s not the same as insane.
    It’s an adventure running a marathon.
    The range of emotions you go through is quite enlightening.
    Self doubt, elation, euphoria, pain, suffering, success, and then eating and drinking to celebrate your achievement.

    Those that think they could never complete it are as wrong as they can be.

  5. Journalism is dead, we all know that, but what really frosts me is that all of the articles written about this fail to mention that THE FUCKING QUALIFYING TIMES FOR MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT!!!

    That is a key motherfucking point!


  6. I believe ALL sporting events should be gender neutral. Men and women should compete against each other, and may the best person win! Based on recent movies and TeeVee shows, and military policy, we are told that women are just as strong and fast as men, so let’s have the SJW put their money where their mouths are.

  7. Looking out on the Marathon
    I used to feel so uninspired
    And when I knew I could run another way
    Lord, it made me feel so wired
    Before the day I trans through I was left behind
    I found the key to run marathons

    ‘Cause I think it’s real,
    I think it’s real,
    I will just run like
    A transgendered woman

    When my balls were in the lost and found
    They came along to maim them them
    I didn’t know just what was wrong with me
    Till this kit helped me claim it
    Now I’m no longer doubtful, of what I’m running for
    And it will make me happy don’t be a man no more

    Cause I think it’s real,
    I think it’s real,
    I will just run like
    A transgendered woman

    Oh, Boston, what you’ve done to me
    I’m still a man inside
    And I just want to be, close to you
    When we reach the finish line

    Cause I think it’s real,
    I think it’s real,
    I will just run like
    A transgendered woman

    I think it’s real,
    I think it’s real,
    I will just run like
    A transgendered woman

    I think it’s real,
    I think it’s real,

  8. So men/women/other and the uncertain can now compete in any group, it just depends on how they feel at the moment the event starts. That should work out to be fair and honest to all involved. Why bother to divide genders from the get go?


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