Everybody Hates Joy Reid – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Joy Reid

Daily Caller: LGBTQ Group Pulls Joy Reid’s Award Over Anti-Gay Blog Posts.

LGBTQ group PFLAG has rescinded an award honoring MSNBC host Joy Reid amid a growing backlash to anti-gay blog posts that appeared on Reid’s old blog.

PFLAG was poised to honor Reid with the group’s annual “Straight for Equality in Media” award in May but reversed that decision on Tuesday after Reid’s explanation for the posts appeared to fall apart.

The anti-gay posts, which internet sleuths found on the Internet Archive April 18, had been fabricated by unknown hackers, Reid claimed. The archive issued a statement on Tuesday disputing Reid’s claim, declaring they had found no evidence of manipulation.  more

16 Comments on Everybody Hates Joy Reid

  1. So when the left finds 10-20 year old comments made by a Republican, conservative, Trump, etc, its evidence of what haters they are and must be destroyed for it.

    When the leftist is caught, its lies, fabrication or taken out of context by the people who found it. Hypocrisy 101

  2. @Right, look no further than the longest serving US Senator, for confirmation of that observation.
    Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, Robert “Sheets” Byrd (D).

  3. Killed my cable so won’t know if this actually comes to fruition (unless I read about it), BUT…won’t be surprised if she gets her own show on Fox (IMO Rupert’s Communist daughters-in-law have been gaining in power since ’08).


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