The 3.8 Percent Support Trump – IOTW Report

The 3.8 Percent Support Trump

Townhall/Wayne Allyn Root-

I hate to disappoint liberals and the liberal mainstream media. But they haven’t a clue why I voted for President Trump. They either don’t understand…they’re blind, deaf and really dumb…or they’re purposely misrepresenting my views.

So, here goes. Here’s why I voted for President Trump (and I think many of the 63 million Trump voters will agree)…

Because I’m a member of the 3.8%.

Forget the infamous 1% the media loves to quote and discuss. That’s the super rich who the media wants you to resent. That group has no effect on your life. What matters is the 3.8%.

A new study is out. It shows that 3.8% of Americans work over 60 hours a week. I’m one of them. I work 60 hours a week, in a slow week. I think people with that kind of dedication, discipline, and work ethic should be celebrated. People in that 3.8% should be thanked by government, not targeted by the IRS.

For me, voting for Trump wasn’t about “racism” or “sexism” or “homophobia” or “Islamophobia,” or the myriad of other things liberals claim. I voted for Trump because I’m sick of working 60 hours and then being targeted, mocked, denigrated and punished.  read more

9 Comments on The 3.8 Percent Support Trump

  1. You are making a mistake thinking they don’t know. They know. The MSM isn’t in the news business, and the people who work for them are not journalists. The corporate MSM are public relations firms for the ruling class club.

    You aren’t in the club, and anything you think doesn’t matter,and will be censored or ignored by them. They still try to control the dailey narative, but their grip is failing.

  2. I voted for Trump for many reasons, he said all the right things and mostly because I really wanted some payback for all the injustices we’ve endured from these scum for far too long.
    So far he’s given me a big happy face.

  3. The 3.8% are the ones the media says are “Voting against their best interests” because we are to stupid to figure out that you just have to sit on your ass and get paid.
    Until we run out of other peoples money, then hello Venezuela

  4. I look at them as in the quicksand, reaching, grasping for that vine they can use to pull themselves out of the morass they themselves whipped into a sludge.
    Only 60 hours, hell, when we had a project, a normal day was 12 hours, 7 days a week.
    For months at a time, of course this allowed me put 3 kids through college, retire earlier than most and owe only taxes.
    Been working my ass off since I was 14, taking a break now, I got it the old fashioned way, I earned it.

  5. Did I vote for Trump because I am a racist? O.k, but still less of a racist than a Democrat. Did I vote for Trump because I am a sexist? O.k., but still less of a sexist than your average liberal Democrat. Did I vote for Trump because I am a homophobe? No, I don’t really care about sexual orientation.

    Things are going very well indeed. America is feared again, which is a very good foreign policy. Trump operates under the rule of law; something the Obama administration intentionally neglected to do. Trump’s economic policy is designed to let Americans loose to create and grow. Trump wants to stop illegal immigration because that is the law.

    Does Trump send mean tweets on occasion? Boo hoo hoo – it’s about time someone played the liberal game. All things considered, I’ll vote for Trump again.

    He has a weeknightly talk show on NewMax TV. His monologue is always energetic, original and focused.
    (He gets the worst callers with the worst cellphone connection)


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