Not that you’re going to hear about it, but America got an awful lot of good news in the past – IOTW Report

Not that you’re going to hear about it, but America got an awful lot of good news in the past

CFP- I can’t remember when, in over eight years of doing a radio show, I’ve had so much good news to talk about in one day.

Do you realize how many positive results this country enjoyed just in the past week?

It’s almost as if someone has figured out how to effectively govern this country. Consider:

  • North and South Korea on Friday announced that they would work to achieve a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.
  • Mike Pompeo was confirmed as Secretary of State.
  • First quarter GDP was 2.3 percent versus 0.7 percent this time last year
  • Jobless claims are at the lowest level since 1969.
  • Legislation is being developed to minimize fraud, abuse and misuse of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program / Food Stamps).
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Averages closed above 24,000 last Friday, up 15.9 percent versus a year ago.

“Wow” was all I could say to begin the show!

12 Comments on Not that you’re going to hear about it, but America got an awful lot of good news in the past

  1. At this point in Barky’s first term, all he had to show for it was Obamacare. I don’t think the Dems understand that when they talk about a blue wave.

  2. The leftstream media just sits around a counter in groups of ten with worried looks on their faces talking about Mueller wanting ask Trump four dozen questions and pretending none of this good news is happening.
    Someone needs to ship them a case of binkies.

  3. Obama’s first yr in office:

    Was going to close gitmo,
    Re-takes oath cause he f’d it up,
    Knighted Hillary as secretary,
    Helps force out Ill. Gov. Blago. to later force in Rham,
    Countless TV interviews,
    Alloctes/pillages $630 billion on a new Health Tax,
    Comes up with a “stronger, smarter and comprehensive strategy” for a “new approach” in Paki and Afghanistan,
    Bo moves in to keep Mo warm,
    Rejects waterboarding,
    Introduces Unicorn Energy policy, cars to get an unrealistic 54 MPG,
    Swats at flies,
    Unicorn Climate Bill passes,
    Gets nasty when being compared to Hitler over Single Payer,
    Awarded No Bell Piece Prize,
    Gays allowed in military,
    People with HIV allowed to U.S. from abroad,
    Helthcare Bill forced on US citizens,
    Oprah is all up in the WhiteHouse,
    Accepts No Bell Piece Prize,
    Faces mid-term backlash as Democrats step down,
    Approval rating dips.

    Compare and contrast, ladies and gents.

  4. And how fast could all of this come screeching to a halt if the dems and never Trump rinos take things back?
    Have you thought about that?
    Dems in WI already have a shopping list of changes ready to act on. I’m willing to bet that’s not the only place where that is happening.
    What’s your plan then?
    The left already has protests locked and loaded if Mueller is fired.
    What do YOU have planned?
    Think this will all go on forever? Maybe it will; maybe it won’t.
    What’s your fallback plan? Bueller?
    Load and stack.
    Develop meatspace contacts.
    Train. Learn. If you have skills pass them on.
    Remember that this ain’t no party…


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