California seeks to allow illegals to serve in government – IOTW Report

California seeks to allow illegals to serve in government

What’s next? Prisoners serving on the parole board?

California’s fault lines need to break apart and float out into the Pacific.


As California expands services to illegals residing in the state, legislation introduced Monday in the state legislature would allow them to sit on government boards and potentially collect pay for doing so.

According to the Sacramento Bee, Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara’s bill would change the current law surrounding appointments to state and local boards to include anyone over the age of 18 — without considering whether the nominee is an American citizen.

“California is stronger when we utilize talents of all our residents, and opening state and local boards and commissions to every Californian will allow us to better serve our diverse communities,” Lara said in a statement.

“Undocumented Californians are our neighbors, co-workers and parents, and as lawmakers we can’t make good policy if their voices are left out of the discussion.”


12 Comments on California seeks to allow illegals to serve in government

  1. Not one person should be on welfare if the state has to fill government jobs with foreign nationals.

    So pick one. No welfare for anyone or jobs for illegals.

  2. Illegal Aliens are currently given preferential treatment over American kids when applying for college in this state. And their tuition is subsidized. So not only can your kids not get into colleges in this state, you have the pleasure of paying for the illegal that took their spot.

  3. Once again I say there should not be one single federal dollar going to any city, county or states pulling stunts like this! Hard-working, tax-paying Americans should NOT have fund this lawlessness!

  4. I am telling you, they are trying to push our buttons, they want us to be the first to strike.
    I say, let’s give it to them….an all out assault against liberalism….winner take all.

    I am sick and tired of these loudmouth pussies.

  5. “California citizens, time to stop paying taxes.”

    If they think you owe something, they’ll come get it right out of your bank account. Justifiable or not. Believe me I know.


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