Obama’s FBI Spied On The Trump Campaign, So What Did He Know And When Did He Know It? – IOTW Report

Obama’s FBI Spied On The Trump Campaign, So What Did He Know And When Did He Know It?

Time to get Obama under oath and nail his bony ass to the wall.


Katie wrote about it this morning. It’s confirmed, folks. The FBI had a spy embedded with the Trump campaign. She added the bureau did not have enough evidence to launch a criminal investigation, so they executed a counterintelligence probe instead in July of 2016.

Larry O’Connor, a former editor of Hot Air who now writes for The Washington Timesasking this key question: If these investigations can’t get the green light without the White House knowing, what did Obama know and when did he know it? O’Connor added his own commentary as well, rightfully asking where’s the outrage in all of this? O’Connor also had Andrew McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, on his radio show on WMAL and plainly stated that none of this could have gone on without the Obama White House knowing:


21 Comments on Obama’s FBI Spied On The Trump Campaign, So What Did He Know And When Did He Know It?

  1. if Trump put out a bid for hemp rope
    1.how much would we need if we hanged each of them twice and 2.how soon can we get it and
    3.how much will it cost?

  2. Odds are he ordered it. And they never covered their tracks because Hillary was a lock. Watch Trump time the perp walks to get the most influence over the upcoming elections.

  3. @Charlie WalksonWater May 19, 2018 at 2:27 pm

    > if Trump put out a bid for hemp rope

    Americans, at least Old Americans, are still a profoundly generous people. Such charity is not beyond them.

  4. If Oboingo gets convicted and the sentence is hanging, you could pay off the National Debt by raffling the honor of pulling the lever on that traitorous bastard

  5. I can see Obummer now,laying on his bed Staring up at Jusin on his cieling, while Jarrett changes his Poopy cloth Diapers.
    He’s asking Satan how this could happen.

  6. Race war? Never. Another fake boogeyman the Deep Left invented to manipulate Americans into subservience.

    Obama is out. Hilary is already being forgotten. They have no secret armies standing by.
    Asset seizures of the Clinton and Obama organizations will render them ibstant’y friendless and unaccustomedly alone.
    Lawyers and PR hacks don’t work once the money stops.

  7. Beginning to think the gallows or the plank is too good for these bastardos…bad hombres.

    What I have decided is that I would like for DJT POTUS to go to Hussein, Brennan, Clapper and all the other leeches in the Swamp, and tell them “look we won’t prosecute but you are going to CONFESS your crimes on pay fer cable”
    (which could pay for the Wall).

    Then Gitmo, for life.

    This way the leftists, anarchists, globalists, socialists, communistas, fascists… go bat shit craaaaazy.

    To execute anyone from a past administration would like like The New ‘French’ Revolution.

    And we simply just don’t want or need that…POUTS knows this!


  8. Any good psyops guy could compose “full confessions” for the Clintons and Obama that will have every BLM black and every Antifa commie literally shrieking for their former idols blood.

    It worked every time for Mao, Castro, Stalin and all the other Soviets. With the right confession, yesterday’s hero is tomorrow’s traitor to the Cause who betrayed all our trust.

    Ask yourself what horrific revelations it would take for your most fervent Leftist friends and family to turn on Obama/HRC & co. Then that’s what they will need to hear.

  9. One other fact no one seems to be commenting on – This isn’t the first election that Ex-Dictator Obama and his fellow democrat communists pulled this shit during an election. The presidential election of 2012 when the traitor Obama was re-elected was riddled with voter fraud and the same kind of crimes being committed by the FBI, DOJ, CIA to make sure Obama won. The 2016 election they somehow screwed up with Hillary.

    All of them belong in maximum security Federal prison for life.

  10. In the last 4 months I’ve said many times that both the FBI + CIA should be destroyed; all leftists working there should be fired! It was true 16 years ago, it is true today; and it will be true in 2020! These agencies work to hurt Americans – other than “the better Americans (OPEN BOARDERS; ONE WORLD FOLK)!”! If you doubt my words ask Sharyl Attkisson! Many conservatives have been “spied on” by the Agencies since ’01. And given the hiring and promoting practices of the last 26 years they will continue to go after conservatives. Ignoring leftist agents!

  11. @ghost of col j glover May 19, 2018 at 5:57 pm

    > To execute anyone from a past administration would like like The New ‘French’ Revolution.
    > And we simply just don’t want or need that…POUTS knows this!

    Chin up! He only had to be “Not Her”.

  12. How many other US candidates has the FBI and CIA’s dark side had an illegal hand in damaging??? Trump is only the tip of the iceberg! Its time for them to be steam cleaned, bleached and flushed. Wake up America!

  13. You’ll never get the truth out of him, because…

    “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” -1 John 2:4

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