The American Flag Represents Hate Speech!! – IOTW Report

The American Flag Represents Hate Speech!!

Watch this interview with a dumb bastid college student (who says all of his professors agree with him) trash America and the American flag.

The interviewer, Ami Horowitz, does a great job of pulling this moron along, making him feel comfortable, and ultimately humiliating the dunce because he doesn’t realize he’s being mocked to his face.

This is who we are turning the future of our country over to? This idiot.

I think of all the men who died in WWII and then I look at this pissant and my blood boils.

32 Comments on The American Flag Represents Hate Speech!!

  1. Mandatory re-education camps.

    Outlaw Marxism and Communism. Enforce the laws still on the books from the mid 20 Century.

    Retake the public education system.

  2. In the lead up to Memorial Day and since then, I’ve watched Hacksaw Ridge twice, been rereading E.B. Sledge’s book, With the Old Breed at Peleliu & Okinawa. R.V Burgin’s book, Islands of the Damned at war in the Pacific. Robert Leckie’s book, Helmet for My Pillow. (and he was forced to get circumcised before the Marines would let him join, now that’s some strong desire to get into the fight, what adult wants to volunteer to do that?, usually its infants volunteered by their parents) And watched various war shows on tv or on youtube about WW1 & 2 in both Europe and the Pacific and Korea. Read a couple of short online biographies about Chesty Puller. Recently toured the battleship USS N. Carolina, then read some about the ship’s action in the Solomon Islands. And many other things. Following these recent activities makes me even more PO’d at this worthless bastard at UC Irvine and the no doubt others like him today. Can’t really get myself to watch this video, he is not worthy of entering into my mind after reading about these other men. Thoughts of him do not belong mixed with the thoughts of these other men.

  3. @cato June 2, 2018 at 8:25 pm

    Not birthed, rather squeezed out. We can’t have a good future with millions of people like that. The wall has to be erected with armed soldiers instructed with shoot to kill orders on anyone who tries to sneak in.

  4. UC Irvine is full of these cockroaches. However, I am unaware of any law that prevents these morons from leaving for another country that suits their political agenda. Life is good here and would better if these nitwits would leave.

  5. The absolute best part of that video: this clueless child has no understanding of the fact that he was being expertly beclowned by Mr. Horowitz the entire interview.

  6. This is why the Left HATES Betsy DeVos. Hates her with a white-hot hatred. They’re not giving up their unionized, leftist dogma in the schools without a fight. The only thing left to do is to offer parents an alternative to government education kamps, and soon! If my child was school age today, they wouldn’t step one little toe into one of them.

  7. You all know, there are more recent examples of the U.S. military defending our freedoms, right? Most kids today think WWII is pronounced “Dubbya Dubbya Eleven” and has something to do with Europe, but they’re not quite sure, except it was probably wrong for Americans to be involved. I think this is why the same kids think the War of Independence is an allegory or mythological event that happened once upon a time.

  8. This may be a surprise to most, but this little marxist worm could have just as easily been a conservative. The left got to him first. Now he’s a parasitic third worlder taking advantage of the greatest, most benevolent nation on earth – The United States of America.
    Wish the interviewer had completed the little traitous commie bot’s self destruction. (ref. orginal Star Trek, .)
    Communist idoctrination is easier to defeat than most conservatives think. We have to somehow get back control of education, and the culture. It may not be too late. And yes, this wannabe “Che” and his family should be deported.

  9. The leftists have been repeating Marx’s (or Lenin’s) promise of using capitalists’ own rope to hang them. That is basically what this little shit is saying about using the US education system to learn how to gain power and conquer the capitalist “rulers” of America.

    It would be nice to use a good length of American made rope to hang him first. Nice, but not possible for the time being. Let them start their revolution and we’ll sort things out then.

  10. This is 100% racial with this guy.
    He’s la Raza and an Anglo hater, his political beliefs are a distant second in reasons he hates the American flag.

  11. And yet they all stay instead of leaving the US.
    Go figure.

    IMHO, this guy is looking for his 15 minutes of fame and/or a job with the Dhimmicrat Party.

  12. Yeah, it’s kind of funny … ain’t no anchor on your ass!

    America certainly doesn’t need you.

    Pack up your shit, pull up your pants, and GO!
    Pretty fuckin simple, except for a fuckin simpleton.

    izlamo delenda est …


  13. If this is indicative of the education our college students are getting why in the hell does congress continue federal funding of any university? Time to stop feeding these lunatic breeding grounds.


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