Big Deal Woman’s Fashion Designer Takes Her Own Life – IOTW Report

Big Deal Woman’s Fashion Designer Takes Her Own Life

Kate Spade, wife of Andy Spade, sister-in-law to David Spade, maker of iconic purses, hanged herself in her Park Ave. NY apartment.

ht/ fdr in hell

30 Comments on Big Deal Woman’s Fashion Designer Takes Her Own Life

  1. I blame David Spade. Why not? lol.
    I like her designs. The women’s and baby girl lines are very ‘girly’.
    Very sweet. Once in a while when I go to The Strip I stop by and see what she is selling. Can’t afford to buy anything there, though. But she does have some Dachshund print stuff that I love.
    Still, it’s a horrible thing to do to her daughter, leaving her without her mom.

  2. @Quinn. You’re correct! Eerie.
    Upon hearing this, I thought about that.

    btw, I ran the entire designer category (not that I can afford the goods)…., and had to explain to hubs who KS was.

  3. Kate Spade was found dead today; an apparent suicide. Around her neck and attached to a door knob was a brilliantly colored scarf fashioned from material which was both soft and silky to the touch, yet with incredible tensile strength. Her dress was tea length and suitable for an afternoon soiree or being found by the police post in extremis. The outfit was completed by beautifully patterned house slippers, although her trademark handbag was not used to complete the ensemble.

  4. @MJA
    “Still, it’s a horrible thing to do to her daughter, leaving her without her mom.”

    A child to the jetset is more or less just another lifestyle accessory. Matters not to them.

  5. “Did she have contact with the Clintons?”

    Sources say she was asked to but a hot sauce holster in one of Hillary’s handbags, but she refused. Arkancide.

  6. Changed her name to “Valentine”????

    One must not call a spade by any other name than a spade.
    Well we must call “things by their proper names”.
    Call a spade a spade.

  7. @ cato

    She changed her name to Katherine Noel Frances Valentine Brosnahan Spade.

    Her new company name was Frances Valentine to avoid confusion with her original brand.

    Her grandfather, father, brother and daughter’s name is Frances. The name Valentine came from her grandfather’s middle name, so named because he was born on Valentine’s Day.

    I realize TMI.

  8. I notice a tweet by Chelsea Clinton reprinted in the article, something to the effect of being sympathetic to the family and “holding her memory in our hearts”. Isn’t this the same sort of tribute they criticize conservatives for after gun deaths?

  9. I’ve been a fan of this site for years, but I’m done. Conservatives get mad at liberals for laughing at Barbara Bush’s death and now you mock the death of Kate Spade because she is not famous enough. All of you are no better than the liberals you claim to be better than. Also, your nonstop pop up adds don’t help either. Goodbye

  10. This struck me as so profoundly sad… not because I ever bought a Kate Spade handbag, but because she herself seemed to be the real life embodiment of the perky, stylish, smart, have-it-all, Mary Tyler More kind of sweet success we all like to admire and aspire to. If she couldn’t face another day, what dark demons are lying in wait for those of us of lesser resources? Or does great success have to come at a great price? Was her business failing or her marriage or her health or her judgment? Whatever the explanation, it’s a dreadful and uninspiring end.

  11. I don’t really have it in me to make jokes about this sort of death, though I also don’t like to judge jokey comments or the sentiment that it’s selfish. It *is* selfish, especially when leaving a child motherless (or fatherless).

    But I also can’t help but wonder what makes a person – and it’s not about the perception that “they had it all” – believe absolutely nothing else can solve their problem(s)? It’s such a dark and terrible state to be in and I don’t even want to imagine what it was like to be there. I do think that below those jokes and accusations of selfishness, most people recognize the awfulness of it, but it’s so far beyond the typical human *instinct* of self preservation, it’s difficult to bear. Sort of like telling jokes when a plane crashes, etc.

    I really knew very little of Spade beyond once realizing the specs I’d picked out, with cute candy stripe lines on the insides of the arms, were a Kate Spade creation (when someone pointed it out and told me who she was). Sure they are jet setters and all that, but I don’t begrudge them their success, often the result of dreams and hard work, and it can spring a splash of color and fun to our lives. It’s so sad she didn’t have that for herself.

    Sorry about the ramble – suicide always makes me serious-y. Such a terrible topic.

  12. Sick and Tired – I just saw your comment after I posted mine. I’d venture you either haven’t been here as long as you say or you really never understood this place. Even I’m much newer than most of the people here, and I still think I understand that they are just as human as anyone else.

    Tragedy strikes people hard and suicide is an especially ugly one to swallow. People compensate, and if you’ve lived any sort of life, you ought to know that. I’m sure negative things have happened to you, unfortunately, just like the rest of us.

    Making jokes about someone you don’t know who has committed suicide is WORLDS different to yet one more in a line of constant barrage of attack comments against anyone conservative, based on the attacker’s deep hatred of a political party. That’s not compensation or trying to make sense of something that seems unnatural (and Barbara Bush’s death indeed *was* natural – we all will die); that’s pure hate piled on top of yet another opportunity to crap on conservatives. In other words, SSDD.

    Goodbye and have a nice life.

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