Sad News From Fox News – IOTW Report

Sad News From Fox News

Fox News star Charles Krauthammer reveals he has weeks to live in heartbreaking letter

Fox News – Charles Krauthammer, the beloved and brilliant Fox News Channel personality who gave up a pioneering career in psychiatry to become a Pulitzer Prize-winning political analyst, on Friday revealed the heartbreaking news that he is in the final stages of a losing battle with cancer.

The 68-year-old’s incisive takes on politics of the day have been missing from Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” for nearly a year as he battled an abdominal tumor and subsequent complications, but colleagues and viewers alike had held out hope that he would return to the evening show he helped establish as must-viewing. But in an eloquent, yet unblinking letter to co-workers, friends and Fox News Channel viewers, Krauthammer disclosed that he has just weeks to live.

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28 Comments on Sad News From Fox News

  1. There was a time when his logic and his stances were unassailable. My wife and I truly awaited hearing what he had to say. Later his messages got a little garbled.

    Still, as BB said, he deserved a fair shot at less challenging life. Very sorry to hear this news.

  2. I don’t always agree with him, but looking back I have always respected him immensely. He has been a champion of progressivism and has been fairly conservative at other times.

  3. Agree or disagree with his conclusions the man was masterful at articulating his position. Charles was in a very exclusive club of very intelligent people who could express the complex with ease. Hope his remaining days are as painless as can be.

  4. His greatest achievement in my opinion was changing throughout his lifetime from a liberal to a conservative.

    He saved his own soul.

    He’s going to be missed, I’m sure.

  5. How appropriate that this news comes at the same time as Anthony Bourdain’s suicide. One man paralyzed, clinging to life; the other healthy and successful who throws his away. i suspect faith and lack thereof may have played a part.

  6. Dr, Chuck is and has always been a Ronnie hater. I love Ronnie and will not mourn this. liberals death. BTW he has a ligitimate reason for his hate – unlike the Bush Clan. Chuck managed “Fritz’s ” disaster! Ronnie won 49 states, Fritz won ?

    Chuck is very smart. His titles would lead someone who did not read is words to think he may not be a far left progressive.
    Dr. Chuck clearly read Julius Caesar A3S2 “Friends, romans …..I come not to attack Ronnie but to praise him.”!

  7. his commentaries seemed well thought and not knee jerk reactions. He was sincere in his beliefs. I didnt agree with every word he said but he said them so well.

    God Speed Mr. Krauthammer. Well done.

  8. Bad_Brad JUNE 8, 2018 AT 1:07 PM
    This poor guy deserves a do over at life.

    I would suggest that without getting into the reincarnation thing, you might want to reexamine that comment. It was the adversarial and difficult circumstances that formed him and gave him the extremely successful life and career.

    Being slightly older than him and without agreeing or disagreeing with his opinions or politics I think he did much better at life than the vast majority of the population. Rereading his letter I would suggest he is at peace with his lot. Wanting more, but accepting and at peace with things.

    I have watched far too many check out due to the “Big C” and without exception they ALL left with Class & Grace.

    What example do any of us set and do we even know when we might be setting the example on character or living life…

    Okay, that’s my psychological or serious post for the year…
    Back to being an asshat…

  9. No human escapes the finality of life on earth.
    Everyone has the opportunity for eternal life.

    Matthew 7:13-14
    [ The Narrow Way ] “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

  10. One the one hand, his will be an undeserved painful end, and I do have sympathy for that. On the other hand, I have always disagreed with most of what he has had to say and I will not miss him.

  11. Helluva guy who accomplished so much against a set of handicaps beyond my experience. I salute him.

    I must also be the last guy in North America not to know he was a quadriplegic. That’s a hell of an achievement on talk TV.

    He set an example for all in bravely pushing forward despite bodily limitations. God bless you Sir and Godspeed.

  12. It was always a joy to listen to him, or read his column, even if I didn’t agree with him at times. He was always the smartest guy in the room on Special Report, and then would drive himself to the Nationals game immediately afterward. I always found that refreshing. He wasn’t part of the cocktail circuit that slaps each other on the back and tells each other how great they are. He was more grounded than that.

    Whole hell of a lotta obstacles in his path, but he made more out of his life than most people that weren’t strapped to a wheelchair. Hell of a man…

  13. Despite his physical limitations, he never was a victim – EVER! Some people who saw him on TV had no idea that he was a quadriplegic. And Charles K. never dwelled on his disabilities … goes to show that a person can lead a full life, despite many and difficult setbacks.

  14. A less than closeted Never Trumper, may I quote Chaz: “A case so strong that, against any of a dozen possible GOP candidates, voting for her opponent would be a no-brainer. Against Donald Trump, however, it’s a dilemma. I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. But, as I’ve explained in these columns, I could never vote for Donald Trump.”

    I’m glad to know that he won’t be enjoying Trump’s victories. Crank up that Morphine drip Chuckie and go night-night.

  15. Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds
    Whose breath gives life to the world, hear me
    I come to you as one of your many children
    I am small and weak
    I need your strength and wisdom
    May I walk in beauty
    Make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
    Make my hands respect the things you have made
    And my ears sharp to your voice.
    Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught your children.
    The lessons you have written in every leaf and rock
    Make me strong——–!
    Not to be superior to my brothers, but to fight my greatest
    Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes,
    So that when life fades as the fading sunset,
    May my spirit come to you without shame.
    …A Sioux Prayer, Translated by Chief Yellow Lark – 1887

  16. My brother once had a job driving a handicapped van. One of his clients was Mr. Krauthammer. My brother had nothing but great things to say about him.


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