The Reason David Camera Hogg Couldn’t Get Into UCLA is Evident in This Incoherent Tweet – IOTW Report

The Reason David Camera Hogg Couldn’t Get Into UCLA is Evident in This Incoherent Tweet

When not being fed what to say, this foppish wreck is nothing but a potato on a toothpick. What in Alyssa Milano’s Meds Pouch is this guy trying to say?

33 Comments on The Reason David Camera Hogg Couldn’t Get Into UCLA is Evident in This Incoherent Tweet

  1. Hogg must be getting some whackybacky in his slop nowadays. No one has accused David of being the sharpest knife in the drawer but it seems lately he fails to grasp the concept of whatever in the hell he’s talking about.
    Recently nothing has come out of David but gibberish but the skewed media hangs on his every word as if it came straight from the messiah’s mouth. The attempt to portray Hogg as an spokesperson for any topic is ridiculous.
    Gimme me a break, I have socks older than this twerp.

  2. What’s amazing is that he says kids need to subsidize their income to raise their families.
    Kids… raising families.

    He also implies that people working jobs are moonlighting as muggers.

  3. You know he joined the NRA. So he could convince NRA members to stop funding the NRA. Mean while he sent the NRA their $35.00. He has the hat to prove it. This is true.

  4. His future is more bleak than Dana Palto’s was when she was his age.

    When this fool realizes the left used him like a tissue box at a bathhouse in San Fran that’s when the heroin use starts.

  5. He may be fluent in gibberish, or trying to assemble a disconnected speech pattern.
    He wants to be paid $1 million to be a spokesman. It wasn’t even after school day day of The shooting. Maybe we’ll get nine dollars an hour.

  6. He may be fluent in gibberish, or trying to assemble a disconnected speech pattern.
    He wants to be paid $1 million to be a spokesman. It wasn’t even at school the day of the shooting. Maybe we’ll get nine dollars an hour.

  7. @Birdie Num Num – Heh! You beat me to it!

    Maybe, if we’re really, really lucky, this little piggy will take inspiration from the late Marcel Marceau. With his writing skills, he could call his character Pap.

  8. Twitter obviously has too many characters for the vyvanse valedictorian to handle. Somebody needs to break his work down into manageable chunks for him.

  9. I’ve read better essays from 3rd graders.

    I could try to figure out what he is trying to say, but I don’t do that work anymore, so I don’t have to!

  10. His eloquence has convinced me to turn in all my firearms to the benevolent government that would never weaponize the IRS, spy on all Americans via the NSA, or conduct a witch hunt investigation for over a year to perform a soft coup against a duly elected president.

    Nah, I’m just kidding. The man-boy Hogg is only good for one thing…ridicule.

  11. O. T.
    Question — if a student at Hogg’s school had no brush with the shooter, wasn’t even near the action, is this student actually a “survivor”?

  12. “[T]here seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously-after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important … so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.”
    — Robert A. Heinlein
    I would like to add: Triangle headed, pipe stem armed, little kids who bullied a crazy person until he snapped and killed some classmates.

  13. Garbage in – garbage out. What we’re reading here, folks, is simply an attempt to summarize all the disconnected, incoherent, and ridiculous propaganda Hogg ingested over the course of his short life from his gov’t school teachers and like-minded friends. Parents the world over recognize when their teens have been discussing issues among their peer group; they are absent a few things, like facts, for example. I bet Camera Hogg was just as passionate about saving Kony, too.


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