FBI agent who accidentally fired gun while dancing is charged with assault – IOTW Report

FBI agent who accidentally fired gun while dancing is charged with assault

FOX- An off-duty FBI agent whose firearm discharged while he was dancing at a Denver nightclub, striking another patron in the leg, was formally charged with second-degree assault Tuesday.

Prosecutors said that 29-year-old Chase Bishop could face additional charges depending on the results of a blood alcohol analysis.  more

20 Comments on FBI agent who accidentally fired gun while dancing is charged with assault

  1. Normally I have no sympathy for any federal agent who would have no sympathy for me were he able to pin a felony for a multi-year prison sentence for violating some obscure law that I didn’t even know existed.
    However, in this guy’s case, how exactly did he break the law?
    Maybe he shouldn’t have gone dancing, but assuming that weapon didn’t discharge because he accidentally grabbed the trigger, I don’t see how he violated any laws.

  2. Anonymous, in most places carrying a concealed handgun, even with a valid permit, into an establishment where alcohol is served, and consuming alcohol, is a violation of the law. In the video I saw it sure looked like the gun fired as soon as he grabbed it.

  3. Hey this happened Denver. Not San Francisco. Only in San Francisco can someone claim they dropped a firearm resulting in the death of a young innocent woman.. And go free. Oh, and he’s the wrong color to claim & get away with the didn’t do nuffin defense

  4. Anon, Glocks don’t discharge without pulling the trigger. This showoff asshat has no business carrying a gun, much less the authority to arrest people. The FBI is a political joke now, disband it along with the EPA,HUD, NEA…,
    P.S. I’m a son of a Military veteran, and retired FBI agent of the Hoover Days.

  5. I heard the guy he shot on the radio. He didn’t even realize it was a bullet that hit him until he saw his pants soaking with blood and he passed out and he said it was the most painful injury, he couldn’t believe how much it still hurt. The guy was negligent and could have killed him whether he intended to or not and he should not have his job after that display of outrageous decision making.

  6. Anonymous
    JUNE 12, 2018 AT 8:44
    However, in this guy’s case, how exactly did he break the law?

    For starters that hideous 80s breakdancing (or maybe it was a seizure). Something no white guy should ever attempt, especially in 2018.

  7. ” In the video I saw it sure looked like the gun fired as soon as he grabbed it.”
    It did. Because he picked it up with his finger in the trigger guard. Glocks aren’t for idiots. Regardless of their advertisements, Glocks have no external safety. (and I’m good with that) If you squeeze the trigger, it’s going off. LEO are poorly trained. FBI, US Marshals are worse. I’ve shot with them. Glocks are for gun fighters. 30 to 45 rounds of “Qualifying” won’t cut it. LEO I know that are gunslingers didn’t learn it from the department. Unfortunately they are few and far between. Why do you think the coward Scott Peterson froze? I love my Glock. That’s coming from a 1911 guy. Can’t make it any clearer than this.


  8. Brad:

    When I took my CCW range qualification, our class did it at the city police firing range. They made us wear ballistic vests in addition to the normal eye/ear protection. I thought that was dumb until I looked up, and noticed the ceiling was full of bullet holes. The instructor noticed that I’d noticed, and said, “Yeah, don’t ask.”


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