MLB doesn’t like this video- I say if we got more of this the interest in baseball would skyrocket – IOTW Report

MLB doesn’t like this video- I say if we got more of this the interest in baseball would skyrocket

This is newly found footage of The Mets finally getting a chance to throw at Chase Utley after he broke Ruben Tejada’s leg with a dirty slide. Hearing on-the-field banter would improve the watchability of baseball.

During manager Terry Collin’s rant he states plainly the motive- “MLB did nothing to the guy.”

And kudos to ump Tom Hallion who handled this situation fantastically. He also let it be known that he wasn’t exactly a fan of Utley, what he did, and how it was handled by baseball.



13 Comments on MLB doesn’t like this video- I say if we got more of this the interest in baseball would skyrocket

  1. For those of You that don’t follow Baseball (Mets Fans 😉 )

    You throw behind the Batter hoping He jumps out of the Box and

    gets beaned in the head…Been going on a hundred years..

    Go Cubbies !!!!

    (And yes I enjoyed that inside banter)

  2. I still remember a NY Yankees game that was nationally televised on Fox within the past 15 years or so that caught a fan on camera wearing an eff the Yankees T-shirt. It was a real fleeting glimpse that disappeared as soon as the replay was over. I thought it was hilarious. And sometimes a little profanity in baseball makes the game more interesting. The mgr. of the Mets did have a point but he did get carried away a little too much and the umpire whom I usually disagree with did handle it in a calm and professional manner. Can you imagine if that been Billy Martin or Lou Pinnela venting like that or Sparky Anderson or Tommy Lasorda? I love baseball and go Seattle Mariners, the rest of the league better watch out for us because we just might be for real this year.

  3. .Nah….not with me.

    I’ve never been a fan of baseball since I was in Little League 50 yrs ago.

    I’ve given up caring about professional sports….and I’m pretty sure I won’t ever again.

    Millionaires playing games? I’ve got better things to do. Picking lint out of my navel is one.

    Each to his own….

  4. I played little league ball also back in the early 60’s which led me to a lifetime love of baseball beginning with the Dodgers when they won the World Series in 1965 with Sandy Koufax pitching for them against the Minnesota Twins. I may not have been the greatest center fielder but it was fun.

  5. Mets can’t even retaliate properly – should have been a fastball in the ribs
    And Roger Clemens should have been drilled for throwing the broken bat at Mike Piazza

  6. I stopped watching MLB when the players struck the world series in the early 90’s. I’ve been to 3 games since then. Two when I was given tickets in the first row behind home plate, and one time when Curt Schilling gave me and the office employees the use of his luxury box. It’s a long story, but it was a fun night.

  7. You know what surprises me regarding pitchers throwing at batters? How come batters don’t accidently lose their grip on the bat in mid swing and send the bat pinwheeling at the pitcher? There’s more than a couple pitchers that deserve to catch the barrel of the bat right in the teeth. It wouldn’t take many times to cure the pitchers from throwing at the batter.

  8. JOE
    It does happen. Many bats “slip” out of batters’s hands and fly to the mound. When you are in the box you get sweaty.
    Sometimes the batter takes the bat to the mound. The afore mentioned Dodger pitcher tried to bean a Giant great pitcher. Juan knew precisely what Sandy had tried and marched to the mound. Sandy was in deep Center by the time Juan got to the mound; being held by Johnny. Realizing he could not get Sandy Juan beat on Johnny’s head; sending him to the hospital. I watched that game. Was a fan when red Barber announced and stayed with Vinny; who I think was on TV at the time.

    As stated I have been a Dodger fan for over 70 years. But Juan was right. Had Koufax tried to put me in the hospital I’d tried to return the favor!


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