The Drain the Swamp Cabinet Meeting – IOTW Report

The Drain the Swamp Cabinet Meeting

Good stuff sent in by Abigail Adams.

YT- Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, announced a plan to reorganize part of the federal bureaucracy to make the government work better. He spoke at a Cabinet meeting with President Trump at the White House.


12 Comments on The Drain the Swamp Cabinet Meeting

  1. The IRS should be the first swamp to drain completely. Astounding that DT hasn’t proposed passing the FairTax Act. Pence is a big proponent. Would be the best thing to happen for America the last hundred years.

  2. @Junopapa —

    This is from the Policies page of the IRS web site:

    “Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code”

    This unified framework serves as a template for the tax-writing committees that will develop legislation through a transparent and inclusive committee process. The committees will also develop additional reforms to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of tax laws and to effectuate the goals of the framework. The Chairmen welcome and encourage bipartisan support and participation in the process.

    I think Mnunchin probably touched on this at the Drain the Swamp Cabinet meeting, but you can contact the IRS directly to ask about it. One of the problems is that many are so focused on what POTUS Trump is doing about problems they forget that the Congress is often the reason we see no resolution to these problems, and we need to pressure our reps who are supposed to be draining the swamp too.

    (Thanks for posting this, Fur. I hope everyone enjoys watching Mulvaney as much as I do!)

  3. I have become a huge fan of Mick Mulvaney.
    I don’t know much about him except what I’ve seen in his speeches in the past two years. I think besides the one when he was made head of Feuxahontas’ CPB, this is my favorite.
    The guy is fearless.
    Having all these people from the business world on the Cabinet and in the WH is really great.

  4. Dr. Tar had a post about this yesterday.

    I wrote:

    They showed the meeting today on Fox News.
    It was brilliant!
    The OMB chairman Mick Mulvaney made some excellent points.

    Talked about if you make a cheese pizza it is under one bureaucratic agency, add pepperoni and HOLD UP, another bureaucratic agency takes control.

    He said that government is still run on 19th century rules.

    Seriously, that newscast should be watched by all Americans.

    * I should have said ALL TAXPAYING AMERICANS!

  5. Funny, but I have a completely different idea in mind when I hear “drain the swamp”. I don’t believe corruption can be rooted out by streamlining or simply shuffling people between agencies.

  6. just rebrand the Fair Tax as a Liberal Idea and emphasize the monthly check to all Americans that is a component, call it Universal Payment and start pushing it to actual grassroots lefties. 6 months later the Mainstream Media will think its an idea of the left and start screaming it at top of lungs – agree, and done.

    Or Trump adopts it, calls it TrumpPay and forever wins the Hood vote.

  7. @Lowell — I appreciate what you are saying. In fact that is how things are now and have been for a century or more. But it’s nihilistic to believe, I think, that the gov’t has to stay that way. At least this admin is trying to get some of the gov’t off our backs, right? And by shaking up this behemoth that hasn’t been tinkered with since before FDR, is a start. I can think of no better people to attempt it. And it makes sense that in the process of doing that, the entrenched “career administrators” who have been resting and vesting on the job will be exposed and their positions eliminated. Who knows how how many public jobs are just “favors” jobs?! The budgets for all these departments are enormous and there’s just not enough oversight or auditing to prevent corruption, and that is the main point of Trump’s initiative.

  8. Irate Nate, “I don’t believe corruption can be rooted out by streamlining or simply shuffling people between agencies.”

    Yes, but it makes it much harder to hide the corruption (less levels of bureaucracy), thus giving us a better chance of killing it.


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