Trump: Only Workable Immigration Solution Is To ‘Detain, Prosecute, and Promptly Remove’ Anyone Who Crosses Border – IOTW Report

Trump: Only Workable Immigration Solution Is To ‘Detain, Prosecute, and Promptly Remove’ Anyone Who Crosses Border


During Saturday’s Weekly Address, President Trump discussed immigration and said that the “crisis of illegal immigration” can only be solved by Congress “and the only solution that will work is being able to detain, prosecute, and promptly remove anyone who illegally crosses the border.”

Transcript as Follows:

“Our country is currently facing a crisis of illegal immigration on our southern border. Democrat-supported loopholes in our federal laws have enabled roughly half-a-million illegal immigrant family members and minors from Central America to be released into the United States since 2014, at unbelievably tremendous taxpayer expense.

While illegal aliens can only be held for a period of days or weeks, it can take years to move their cases through the legal system to actually try to send them back to their home countries. It is a ridiculous process. For example, of the removal orders issued for unaccompanied alien children over a recent two-year period, 90% were done in absentia, that means they weren’t there and they never showed up for their removal hearing. What else is new?

The United States could not have an open border to every illegal alien family and minor on the face of the earth. We must have rules. We must have laws. And we must enforce those laws. The driving factor in the surge of illegal families and minors is the belief that there will be no consequence for illegal entry and no likelihood of removal or reprisal.  READ MORE /WATCH

10 Comments on Trump: Only Workable Immigration Solution Is To ‘Detain, Prosecute, and Promptly Remove’ Anyone Who Crosses Border


    They break the laws to exploit our laws. Congress is encouraging people to separate themselves from their children, not Trump.

  2. Why not just execute them as soon as they step across without permission? Just as South Korea would do if the Norks came streaming across the DMZ. And then leave their corpses to rot. Pour encourager les autres.

  3. It looks like the hill the Dems picked to die on is actually a big bubble in the quicksand. Don’t shtruggle so hard, Dems. You’ll just sink faster.

  4. “Just Do It!”

    But don’t waste time and money with the “prosecution” part.
    Repatriate them.
    “Let” them return to the arms of their mothers and feel the warmth of the Sun shining on the land of their nativity brighten their smiling faces.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. FYI: You are are citizen of where ever your father was born, not the country you were born in. Laws of Nations, Emerich Vatel.The founding father’s used this as a guide to establish USA.

  6. No entry without a passport or visa. No asylum requests at the border, apply at one of the 9 locations set up for that in Mexico. Just like any other country, you get permission BEFORE you enter.

    Illegal entry means permanent banning of every person in the group including kids. Hey mamacita, you just ruined your kid’s chance of EVER coming to America. Photos, fingeprints, DNA sample.

    And PUNISH ANYONE WHO HIRES ILLEGALS. SEVERELY. Like 10% of all the company’s assets for a first offense, 20% of what’s left for a second, and so forth. NO public assistance, NO anchor babies, 30% tax on remittances back to another country.

    If it ain’t profitable and ain’t easy, they’ll stay away and go away.


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