FACT CHECK: Are Half Of All Border Patrol Agents Hispanic? – IOTW Report

FACT CHECK: Are Half Of All Border Patrol Agents Hispanic?

DC: Townhall editor and Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich said in a tweet Wednesday that 52 percent of U.S. Border Patrol agents are Hispanic.

Verdict: True

Pavlich’s figure is in the ballpark. About half of all Border Patrol agents – 51 percent – were Hispanic or Latino at the end of Fiscal Year 2016.

Fact Check:

Pavlich mentioned the proportion of Border Patrol agents after pundits and politicians made Nazi comparisons when criticizing the Trump administration’s separation of families crossing the southern border.

“This is the United States of America. It isn’t Nazi Germany, and there’s a difference,” Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein said in an MSNBC interview last week.

Former CIA Director and CNN national security analyst Michael Hayden tweeted a photo on June 16 of the Birkenau death camp at Auschwitz. “Other governments have separated mothers and children,” he said.

Pavlich noted the prevalence of Hispanic Border Patrol agents in response. “Something you won’t hear much about: 52 percent of Border Patrol agents are Hispanic,” she tweeted. “But sure, continue your Nazi narrative.”  MORE

5 Comments on FACT CHECK: Are Half Of All Border Patrol Agents Hispanic?

  1. Here in San Diego I’d say it’s 70%.
    When it comes to municipal jobs, I’d say it’s 75%.
    They generally will not hire Whites because most of us do not speak Spanish and that is appended to almost all city and county job requirements.
    Just as well, even if you got hired they would hound you out of your job anyways because you are not of the la Raza.

  2. They all speak Spanish, too. We are SO accommodating of illegal invaders. It would be traumatic if they experienced the fear of not knowing what was being said to them as they were caught in illegal acts.

  3. I think any border patrol agent that works the Mexico/USA should be required to learn Spanish. It just makes sense. I’m white as can be, but I learned Spanish while I lived in El Paso, Tx. It has come in handy for me on several occasions. It could also be why 51% of agents are Hispanic. That and the fact that they know Mexicans better than most white people and would be much more effective than only knowing how to say stop in Spanish.


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