Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ‘Praised’ A Florida Immigration Center After Her Tour – IOTW Report

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ‘Praised’ A Florida Immigration Center After Her Tour

DC:Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was reportedly impressed with an immigration center in Florida that housed migrant children after receiving a tour of the facility Monday.

Wasserman-Schultz and Democratic Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo were given access to an immigration center in Cutler Bay, Fla., where there are reportedly 70 migrant children, 22 of whom had been separated from their parents. After the tour Wasserman-Schultz and Curbelo reportedly “praised the facility,” according to The New York Times reporter Patricia Mazzei.

The children also reportedly had “stuffed animals and colorful comforters and cheery art on the walls” and said the children were smiling. more

10 Comments on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ‘Praised’ A Florida Immigration Center After Her Tour

  1. “70 migrant children, 22 of whom had been separated from their parents…”

    …and 48 who came without their parents.

    Always take the opportunity to fully inform, Daily Caller. They’re depending on us not noticing how many kids are being trafficked here all by themselves.

  2. The children smiled. Of course they smiled for Wasserman-Schultz – or else. In the Obama era, it was probably 1 hour of fun followed by 4 hours of punishment because…Democrats. I know that was my experience under the Obama administration except for the “fun” part.

  3. Representative Schultz selected 5 of the plumpest waifs and made arrangements for them to be transported and placed in the care of Comet Pizza in Washington DC.

  4. Can we talk about the dreamer MS-13 sex traffickers?
    How many times should you beat a sex trafficed minor Debbie?
    It may seem harsh, but that child prostitute probably should not be allowed to stay but questions need to be asked about how she arrived here and who brought her and how did she wind up in the hands of MS-13?

    Nobody asks such uncomfortable questions.

  5. Hey Deb. You’re blowing up the narrative, moron. Stay on script. They’re NAZI concentration camps ferchrissake.

    Hmmm. You seem to have lost the ability to concentrate yourself. Walk this way please.


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