Denmark finally realizes it has a non-Western immigration problem – IOTW Report

Denmark finally realizes it has a non-Western immigration problem


Earlier this week, the New York Times published a piece outlining some of the new laws the Danish parliament has passed since the government, led by the center-right Venestre party under Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, introduced a package of immigrant-related reforms in early March.

Denmark has officially designated some urban areas as ghettos – areas that have dense populations of immigrants with high rates of unemployment and increasing levels of violence and gang activity.  In one of the country’s worst ghettos, for example, unemployment is almost 45%, 82% are from non-Western backgrounds, 53% have very little education, and 51% are low-income.

Specifically targeted at 25 of these low-income ghettos, the new laws are designed to discourage the congregation of immigrants in these areas, and to force assimilation where there is an unwillingness in the population to integrate into Danish society.

To be certain, this particular proposal uses the threat of removal of social support payments as the stick to encourage ghetto families to enroll their children in government-sponsored daycare to ensure they are instilled with Danish traditions, including the ideals of gender equality and democracy, an appreciation for cultural holidays, and learning the Danish language from an early age.

One resident was quoted as defending the measure from the perspective that “[t]o me this is about, no matter who lives in these areas and who they believe in, they have to profess to the values required to have a good life in Denmark.”


ht/ rz

12 Comments on Denmark finally realizes it has a non-Western immigration problem

  1. Another example of the result of decades of leftism compounded by the recent scourge of muzz invaders.

    Copenhagen had ghettos in 1980. Christiania used to hold the Danish military but was abandoned and squatters turned it into Haight Ashbury, an open air drug market and squalor was rampant.

    Drunken and drug addled bums occupied the main train station and were a general nuisance.

    It’s little wonder why the newest component to discivility would make their situation dire.

    I pray that they turn it around, but it’s not bloody likely.

  2. enroll their children in government-sponsored daycare to ensure they are instilled with Danish traditions, including the ideals of gender equality and democracy

    It’s as if people On The Right Side Of History™ don’t remember how they got there…

  3. There’s an advantage to having a concentration of “immigrants of non-Western backgrounds” in a densely populated ghetto, though it’s doubtful the Danes will avail themselves of it. Appropriately sized thermobaric munitions would work well, up to and including the GBU-43/B, a/k/a the MOAB.

    I kid, I kid.

  4. The EU committed suicide by immigration years ago. How could they not know what the outcome would be? They knew !

    The EU has no strategy or the balls to implement any that will save their member states.

    The European citizens are reaping what the European Establishment Elites have sown.

  5. What the Hell was so hard to understand about where this would go twenty years ago?
    People need to see this and finally recognize that Liberals have no flippin clue about what they promote… here or there! They’re just tools for 7th century, uneducated, untalented barbarians.

  6. The term “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” is finally making sense. Shakespeare must have had a premonition of the ignorant masses immigrating.


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