CNN bashes Catholics over Kavanaugh nomination – IOTW Report

CNN bashes Catholics over Kavanaugh nomination

CFL: We thought this argument went away with the election of John F. Kennedy back in the 1960s, but apparently not. An op-ed published at CNN Politics on Tuesday by Digital Director Z. Byron Wolf prompted a great deal of criticism on social media for asking why Catholics “hold a strong majority” on the Supreme Court. more


18 Comments on CNN bashes Catholics over Kavanaugh nomination

  1. Yeah, we’re good at making enemies, & unfortunately, the Pope doesn’t help. But just to remind everyone, the entire world would be muslim if not for the Church’s Crusades (over a period of hundreds of years). Thank God.

  2. As of June, 2016, the number of Latinos in the USA is 57.5 million. This includes both native born and illegals. This predominantly Catholic bloc normally votes democrat. Way to go Mr. Wolf. Please continue to alienate a large voter bases like this. We all love it.

  3. He is too cozy with the Bush element for my liking. At this juncture anyone who has any Bush connection whatsoever fits that description though. I have nothing but dripping contempt for the whole lot of them.

  4. People, people, people… The story needs an arc. The Clownfart News Network is just setting up the cliffhanger for “next week’s exciting story!” Stay tuned for “Based on today’s America, why are there so many Jews on the bench?”

  5. Old_Oaks, is that hyperbolic generalizing? Or are you serious?

    PJ, If nondenominational Christian‘s are attacking Catholics they are acting unbiblically. Christians should not be attacking Catholics any more than they should be attacking Muslims, Jews, Mormons or secular humanists. Christians are commanded to preach the gospel and serve others.

    Doctrine is another matter. The Catholic church holds and teaches doctrines and traditions that directly contradict what is laid out in the Bible. When heretical doctrines and traditions are held up as equal to the word of God, that is by definition an idol, ergo a sin. Christians are NOT commanded to “bash Catholics.” Christians are commanded to confront sin. Primarily in their own lives, but also in the presentation of the gospel to those who who God has placed in our lives. Don’t mistake a Christian telling you that a Catholic tradition is a sin for “bashing Catholics.”

    If a so-called Christian is bashing you ad hominem, Tell him to quit trying to bash you with the log in his eye.

  6. Since Brett Kavanaugh is considered a “safe” middle of the road pick…
    Let us consider for a moment what a “safe” pick could possibly do in the future…

    We will undoubtedly see the Loonie Left and the media (but I repeat myself) dial it up to infinity and beyond – saying that this nominee is not just bad, but will result in the end of the world as we know it. And through all of the hearings and all that the world will see, the Loonie Left will be seen as overplaying their hand and more importantly the American people will see them as the drama queens they are.

    Consider what happens IF…

    In a very short time, the American people are again treated to the left and the media going into absolute hysterics AGAIN, only this time instead of a “safe” pick we are treated to a died in the wool, originalist and first rate Liberty Lover? How much of the drama queens will the jaded American public put up with? But I predict that this will not only fail to slow down the left as they careen off the cliff. No, when they see public opinion start to turn against their clown car of silly, they will light it on fire and add megaphones and drones filming in high def as they descend towards their well deserved sploit at the bottom.

    But wait, there is more…what if?

    Instead of seeing this after a second Supreme Court nomination, if President Trump actually wins in 2020, we may very well see him pick one or even (gasp) two more for a total of FOUR Justices. Just the idea of that should be enough to spontaneously ignite and consume several of those precariously perched upon the twig of insanity on which they currently sway.

    Which is another happy reason for putting this postulation out among the interwebbies thingee (HeeHeeHee)

    MSG Grumpy

  7. MSG Grumpy July 11, 2018 at 11:31 am

    > Consider what happens IF…

    A good plan. I’d only tune the timing:

    Let fake news “prove” the beloved of The Knights of Ni will overturn Roe v. Wade, because xe likes to eat BABIES! Call “your” representatives! Especially the Republicrats. Tell them there’s an election coming up. And if they want any hope of being in the majority (some might be lucky enough to threaten “in a government job!”) next January, they better spike this baby eating monster!

    (cue “Dude, Where’s My Car?” Chinese drive through voice) And den?

    Submit an intellectually fierce, no quarter offered, Nazi Fascist racist breeder! And let the hair igniting, barbwire self-flagellating, begin again. Right then. Almost now. Then call “your” representatives, and let them know “Alright. This is silly. There can’t be that many baby barbecuing monsters in the world. Let alone in America. Just vote him in, and let’s get on with this election.”

    Don’t let this manufactured crisis go to waste.

  8. @ Mohammed’s pink swastika

    Which doctrine and traditions?

    “Doctrine is another matter. The Catholic church holds and teaches doctrines and traditions that directly contradict what is laid out in the Bible. When heretical doctrines and traditions are held up as equal to the word of God, that is by definition an idol, ergo a sin. Christians are NOT commanded to “bash Catholics.” Christians are commanded to confront sin. Primarily in their own lives, but also in the presentation of the gospel to those who who God has placed in our lives. Don’t mistake a Christian telling you that a Catholic tradition is a sin for “bashing Catholics.”


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