College course disputes idea that heterosexual sex is ‘natural’ – IOTW Report

College course disputes idea that heterosexual sex is ‘natural’

Campus Reform
  • Eugene Lang College is offering a “Queer Ecologies” course this fall devoted to countering “heterosexist” explanations of animals and nature.
  • According to the instructor, common scientific practices like using the terms “male” and “female” when describing reproduction among plants and animals contributes to the perception that “queerness” is “unnatural.”

While it is not immediately apparent why the school’s Culture and Media department is offering the class, Davis explained that the course takes aim at how institutions like media outlets and schools often perpetuate myths about sex, gender, and the environment.

Such institutions, Davis said, often promote the idea that “mammals only use sex for reproduction, and that this is always heterosexual sex,” for example.

“We can see this in how queerness is often said to be ‘unnatural’…rather than thinking about how queer sex might actually be helpful to the survival of species,” Davis noted.


39 Comments on College course disputes idea that heterosexual sex is ‘natural’

  1. The next generation who have doubled down on wanking, buggering, boinking children, and dressing like women.
    It’s a perfect fit for Washington’s political elite.

  2. Two very helpful words BULL SHIT! And just what exactly is Queer ecology? Is it the study of queerly formed ecosystems where the ideas of freaks and queers are studied and considered to be the norm as opposed to the normal status quo of just plain normal male and female. Who thinks up this shit and actually gets some people to believe that it’s true?

  3. This is the Church of the Left. It is the Left’s absolution of deviance and sin. Who needs God’s forgiveness when you haven’t done anything wrong? This is why the D’s wrote God out of their platform.

  4. OK.
    “Natural” as in Nature?

    Do horses suck each others’ dicks?
    Do raccoons suck each others’ dicks?
    Do frogs suck each others’ dicks?
    Do ducks suck each others’ dicks?
    Hmmm … not seein it …
    How bout goats? Do goats suck each others’ dicks?
    Walruses! Do walruses suck each others’ dicks?
    Penguins! Anybody, anywhere, seen (and have photos) of penguins sucking each others’ dicks?
    Do cockroaches suck each others’ dicks?
    Ticks? Tapeworms? Those’re about the closest things to Demonrats – do they suck each others’ dicks?

    I could go on, but it would be fruitless (heh, heh), as the “natural” world is.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I should’ve asked the 2 racoons outside my window at 4:30 AM the other morning when I opened the curtains and windows to cool the house off if they were a couple of racoon cocksuckers. Nah, not really and I’m not going to look to see if they were male or female either. Aleon that’s an old joke which some people think is funny and others it just pisses off to no end. Tim you forgot to ask if skunks were gay or not.

  6. Yeah, it’s prolly racist to leave out the skunks … or the armadillos …
    do they suck each others’ dicks?

    Inquiring minds want to know …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “Ticks? Tapeworms? Those’re about the closest things to Demonrats – do they suck each others’ dicks?”

    Tim, not sure about ticks and tapeworms, but I don’t have any doubt about the Dems.

  8. @Tim – You were on a roll! Why did the leave out Donkeys? The Democrats want to know so when they call you a racist they think it will mean something since you left them out.

  9. Let’s see….
    1. Liberal Arts College, Check
    2. Greenwich Village, NYC, Check
    3. Total enrollment around 1500, Check
    Any guesses what the “gender” makeup of that place is? I’m guessing 2, they’ll probably claim 72 or something. BTW, the college’s Namesake was awarded a medal from Bill “BJ” Clinton.

  10. Society cannot long withstand this kind of thing and remain intact. Either it is dealt with or it wins. No third option because it will not compromise with you.

    Read the first chapter of Romans to see why this is the way it is, and why it’s going to get worse.

  11. Let’s isolate the queers somewhere (call it Buttfricka) and see how long until their “Ecology” collapses with nothing but butt babies. These people are parasitic upon the larger Human Ecology and constantly need to recruit new members. Much like the Pod People.

  12. @Tim – I’ve seen some dogs do some questionable things to themselves but I chalk that up to the fact that they can. I’ve always wondered about contortionists though!

  13. “Such institutions, Davis said, often promote the idea that “mammals only use sex for reproduction, and that this is always heterosexual sex,” for example.”

    That is how the animal kingdom does it bucko.
    There are other means of reproduction, and I suggest they try some of them. There are cutting and also grafting, which it seems the transgender movement is approaching, and then there is mitosis, or cellular division. That is the one they should go with. I suggest they try dividing themselves and see where that gets them. Might take a few tries, but practice makes perfect. Don’t forget- bottoms up!

  14. Sigh. I am so glad I met my one and only at 16, and was smart enough to realize I wanted and needed a masculine, assertive man. Our grands are early 20’s and seem to be normal people, despite their public indoctrination center attendance.

  15. Lots of people say this kind of thing is due to demonic possession. While I believe the Bible accounts of possession are true, I’m not completely convinced possession exists at this time in history, for reasons I won’t go into here. But I can see why people look at this kind of behavior, which ultimately targets children, and believe that demons have to be behind it.

    Here’s something to think about, though.

    Whether (or to what degree) demons are the cause of this cannot be determined, but what the sexualization of children DOES testify to is the absolute corruption of the human heart by sin because most of what we see is 100% human in origin.

    One reason I doubt the demon hypothesis as an explanation for most human evil is Romans ch. 1. The apostle Paul, speaking by inspiration, does not lay the responsibility for human sins at the feet of Satan or demons — rather (and this is why lots of otherwise religious people have big problems with Romans), Paul says that God lays the blame squarely on US, on humanity, which leaves all of us as sinners who are completely without any excuse whatsoever for any sin we may commit.

    In other words, Romans ch. 1 totally refutes “The Devil made me do it.” That’s a lie and God ain’t buying it.

    That being the case, just think how awful human nature really must be, at least in potential:

    Someone is sexually abused as a child and that bitter damage runs SO deep in their mind and heart that, when they grow up, some of them willingly seek to inflict that SAME damage upon other children, knowing that it will make many of those children like themselves! They KNOW this is what they’re doing. They KNOW that’s what the result will be (it is the main way sodomites have reproduced, historically). But they not only pursue it but, if made to feel comfortable enough, as they now do, they start to preach and promote it publicly, making no secret that THEY WANT OTHER PEOPLE’S KIDS TO BE JUST LIKE THEM.

    If that doesn’t describe utter human evil that is at least equal to the worst Satan can do, I don’t know what does.

  16. The “professors” espousing this crap are sexual deviants preying on a captive audience. The young mind is easily influenced and they fall victim easily.

  17. @grool:

    you are correct in the sense that God held Adam and Eve responsible even though they were ++Triggered++ by the cunning serpent/angelic creature we have come to call satan (though a very long involved connection) that was probably a cherabim named “heyel ben shachar”. That’s why God didn’t let us just confess by blaming it all of satan.

    God promised to make it right through the seed of EVE and satan and the demons have/and are continuing to destroy that human seed in an attempt to destroy God’s plan.

    Each of us contains that same desire/ability to sin and be unrighteous before God. However God’s cure was to bare the price upon his one and only unique Son, Yeshua (Jesus Christ) — the SEED of EVE–by allowing Him to be sacrificed in our stead.

    As for sex, God’s plan for sex was two-fold: for procreation and for covenant relationships between one man and one woman. Our modern times flushes both ideas down the drain. Sex was susposed to meet our needs for companionship and show how how a good relationship with God could be. It’s why we use the term “Bride” when we speak of the church.

    Well I’m already too long. But thanks @grool for the inspiration.

  18. Awhile ago while standing and talking to a SJW(didn’t know what that was then but this straight white guy would qualify for the definition)two dogs were playing and the one started humping the other dog’s head. This had him telling me how that proves even in nature there are gay animals.
    I told him that dog had his balls cut out when he was 4 months old, he wasn’t doing any humping for sexual gratification, he also humps legs, stuffed animals and the cat.
    There’s a reason God made humans and gave us dominion over animals, but idiot liberals seem to want to be beneath animals and at the rate they’re going it won’t be long and we’ll be seeing grown ass men going around acting like a dog and humping everything. That’s why God said he gave them over to a reprobate mind or basically said they are depraved and that’s why they do shit that even an animal won’t do because an animal might hump shit, but animals are only going to have sex with the opposite sex because their sold purpose in having sex is to reproduce.

  19. ‘Queerness’ in humans IS a survival response to diminishing resources. Something in the female human hormone system ‘wires’ offspring to not reproduce themselves thus slowing down the population growth, saving resources and the next generation from starvation.
    However, since nowadays a cheeseburger can be had for a dollar, that survival response is inefficient at best.
    It works better than relying on Man’s morals

  20. When my cat went into heat a couple of months ago, I promise you she was NOT looking for another female cat. She desperately wanted a Tom. THAT’S nature, my friends.

  21. Hans, you are 100% correct that Satan still works (uselessly) to thwart God’s ultimate plan to bring all into subjection under the rule of the Son, but he (Satan) can in no way be blamed for what God says man is guilty of doing…though many try!

    Eve could have chosen to stand on what (evidently) Adam had told her about God’s warning, instead of believing Satan’s lies.

    Likewise Adam could have taken responsibility for not overseeing his deceived wife, instead of blaming God for giving her to him AND blaming Eve for giving him the fruit.

    None of their excuses worked with God, nor do ours. But the reason people still believe they can dodge responsibility before God is because of where Satan has been doing his best work for the past 2,000 years…not in bars, brothels or seats of government, but in seminaries, pulpits and cathedrals. The religion of Christendom is Satan’s masterpiece. It’s where he gets the biggest bang for his buck…his ministers, pastors and priests “having a form [outward veneer] of godliness but DENYING the power thereof…”

  22. Science says, “anus is not vagina.”

    – – –

    I was temporarily banned from an allegedly Christian website a few years back for stating that same fact, almost word for word. Several leftists complained that I was harassing/bullying them. No joke, that’s the stated reason I got banned.

  23. It takes lots of mental gymnastics and an endless pit of denial, motivated by a sin, sick soul to believe there is anything “normal” about being “queer”.

    By definition queer is; strange, weird, peculiar, bizzare, freakish, odd, deviant abhorrent, etc. and also; spoiled, damaged, impaired and UNNATURAL.

    Leave it to perverts to attempt to circumvent their own self-described labels when promoting their agenda.

  24. This flies in the face of statistics…but whatever, I’ll play along.


    Think about that one. All trees…… are gay. Except Sugar Pines. Those are just confused.

    Man, science is easy once you get rid of all the math.


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