Democrats are the party of open borders, “free” health & education, no voter ID – You think they want what’s best for Americans? – IOTW Report

Democrats are the party of open borders, “free” health & education, no voter ID – You think they want what’s best for Americans?

On paper, when read out loud, the democrat platform reads like a comedy sketch about a political party hellbent on destroying themselves. Yet, they have disciples.

How stupid or evil do you have to be to want open borders + “free shit for everyone!”? Do they think before they “feels”?

How anti-American are you if you want open borders and then allow the people who waltz in to vote in our elections?

This party should have, maybe, 5 million true believers, yet they compete with “sane people” trying to keep the republic.

It’s amazing that a president has to fight for closed borders and voter ID, so that only Americans can vote in American elections.

ht/ billy fuster

9 Comments on Democrats are the party of open borders, “free” health & education, no voter ID – You think they want what’s best for Americans?

  1. How does the left explain the difference between Russian (foreign) meddling in our electoral process and giving illegal (foreign) immigrants the right to vote in our elections. Both result in foreigners affecting the outcome of an election. They are for one and against the other. They are nothing but LYING HYPOCRITES!

  2. Tucker Carlson had a good segment with some “lawyer” who is an illegal alien. He is saying that all people, no matter where they come from, should be able to be a citizen of the US and be allowed to vote. Tucker couldn’t make him listen, and the few times he did, he didn’t understand what Tucker was telling him. Finally, Tucker did his famous laugh because there was no point in discussing anything further.


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