Sick of the Omissions and Outright Lies and Bias in Florida’s Latest “Stand Your Ground” Case – IOTW Report

Sick of the Omissions and Outright Lies and Bias in Florida’s Latest “Stand Your Ground” Case

Sharpton is cashing in in Clearwater, Florida today. After a big show he will be going to local bureaucrats and demanding money to make the circus go away. It’s his M.O.


Here is what happened in Clearwater.

A woman parked in a handicap spot and another driver made it his business to confront her and started reprimanding her that the handicap spots are not VIP parking.

While speaking his piece, another guy (the boyfriend) walks up to him and violently blindsides him and shoves him to the ground. He takes a number of steps toward the crumpled guy.

The guy pulls out his gun. The attacker hesitates when he sees the gun. The guy on the ground shoots him.

I’m not posting this to argue to litigate whether the guy should, or shouldn’t have, shot the guy. I’m posting this because the leftwing spin is ridiculous.

Can’t they report honestly without their extreme bias leaking through?

I will use The Grio as the typical example of the coverage.

He lost his life over a parking space. 

No. He lost his life because he violently shoved a man to the ground, a man that didn’t know what hit him.

When McGlockton found out the older gentleman (Michael Drejka) was yelling at Jacobs, he came outside to defend his partner and children who were also in the vehicle.

Defend his partner from a guy complaining that they were parked illegally? The proper defense would be to join the argument and defend with words. An improper defense would be to do what he did.

The argument escalated and McGlockton shoved Drejka to the ground.

The argument escalated? There was no argument with McGlockton. And the argument with the girlfriend and Drejka did not “escalate.” It was the same level of discourse throughout.

That’s when Drejka, who is white and a legal firearm owner with a concealed carry permit, shot McGlockton even though McGlockton had begun to walk away and was no longer posing a threat.

“Who is white.”

What does that have to do with anything?

Rich Kelly, a regular customer of the store, told The Tampa Bay Times that Drejka used racial slurs and threatened to kill him during an earlier encounter.

And could Rich Kelly be lying? How many people told the media that Michael Brown had his hands up saying “don’t shoot” to Darren Wilson? They were all liars.

“It’s a repeat. It happened to me the first time. The second time it’s happening, someone’s life got taken,” Kelly said “He provoked that.”

He provoked it? It looks like the guy doing the unnecessary shoving provoked it. Is he not capable of restraining himself from violence? This might be why Florida has the “Stand Your Ground” law, people like McGlockton.

McGlockton children were present during the shooting. 

They were also present during the violent shove, that most likely would have “escalated” into a severe beating, all in front of his precious cargo. But that would have been okay. (Any argument that includes “the cheeeeldren” gets nowhere with me.)

“He’s getting out like he’s a police officer or something, and he’s approaching me,” she said. “I minded my own business … I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Well, ya did. You were parked illegally in a handicap spot that lots of people would like to park in, but they aren’t handicapped, so they don’t. A little public harassment of people who break down societal pacts is deserved. Violently shoving the complainers is not.

Markeis is a good man … He was just protecting us, you know?” Jacons said Friday. “And it hurts so bad.”

Good man? Let’s examine that.

MCGLOCKTON, MARKEIS DEON DOB: 3/28/1990 6/25/2008 AGGRAVATED BATTERYDOMESTIC, 784.045(1)(B)/F 6/25/2008 RESISTING ARREST W/VIOLENCE, 843.01/F 6/25/2008 DISORDERLY CONDUCT, 877.03/M 5/5/2009 SALE OF COUNTERFEIT DRUGS, 893.13(1)(A)(1)/F 9/10/2010 POSSESSION OF COCAINE, 893.13(6)(A)/F 9/25/2010 POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBS COCAINE, 893.13(6)(A)/F 9/25/2010 POSSESSION OF COCAINE, 893.13(6)(A)/F 9/25/2010 SALE OR DELIVERY OF COCAINE, 893.13(1)(A)(1)/F 9/25/2010 POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA, 893.13(6)(B)/M 9/21/2011 PETIT THEFT, 812.014(3)(A)/M 9/21/2011 DRIVING UNREGISTER VEHICLE *NCTC, 320.02(1)/M 9/21/2011 DWLSR *NCTC 1, 322.34(2)(A)/M DWLSR = Driving with License Suspended or Revoked * NCTC = Non-Cooperative TargetClassification  HT/ Green Quill, Grio commenter.

I wonder why this wouldn’t be part of the reporting?





20 Comments on Sick of the Omissions and Outright Lies and Bias in Florida’s Latest “Stand Your Ground” Case

  1. There are lots of observations and points to be made and discussed here, but I’ll just point out that Shartton is perpetuating a myth, not that that’s unusual for him. The Trayvon Martin killing had nothing to do with “stand your ground”. Zimmerman wasn’t standing his ground, he was lying on his sidewalk having his head bashed repeatedly by a young muscular thug. So Zimmerman shot him, an entirely appropriate and justified act of self-defense in the face of an active use of deadly force by Martin.

  2. A friend of mine alerted me to this incident a few weeks ago. He knows I’m a gun person. However, I know, he’s not likely one to have spent any time trying to see the truth in any matter he’s not directly tied to.

    He obviously had more knowledge of the incident than I did. Unfortunately a few questions I had quickly unraveled his dismay over a CCL shooting an unarmed black man over a parking spot.

    The first thing to come out, felony assault by the black man.

    Once that was established, it became, well why did he have to kill him, couldn’t he have shot him in the leg.

    This went around in circles for a few minutes when he finally realized his argument was lost. He still didn’t agree with me and he still has his negative opinion about CCL. But I think I taught him a few things.

  3. @Jethro, From the video, after the “shot” the guy is holding his chest, which would be correct for a self defense response(center mass). If I had to guess it was a 9mm or less because a center mass shot from a 10mm on up you generally don’t walk away looking for a band-aid.

  4. Without the support of the mainstream media Sharpton would be absolutely nothing. He’s constantly screaming about racism when he and his cohorts are the biggest racists in the country. Nothing but scam artists. Phuck em.

  5. Does Michael Drejka (shooter) have a handicap parking pass or some reason to question the issue? Why look for trouble?

    1st law of CCL holders. Also if he is disabled (which I am) my theshold for feeling threatened is lower than yours might be particularly if I’m already on the ground. If he came toward me I’d probably shoot him too.

    If you’ve had heart surgery you can’t afford to take a punch to the chest so you’ve got a faster defense zone. But it also means I don’t look for confrontations.

  6. Is Drejka on duty as a sworn officer of the law? Was Drejka in control of the property? A hired, on duty security officer?

    CHL States are not mouthy Yankee performance theaters. Even most off-duty cops would not have said a word. It’s not worth it.

    What if McGlockton were carrying and walked out of the store as Drejka yelled at his kids and girlfriend, who is the threat then?

    SYG gives you the right to drill a man in the chest for pushing you to the ground? A verbally-compliant man? Discharging the weapon was necessary above brandishing to stop the threat? That’s not on the video or in the article.

    Al-Shart and the Anti-2A insects were just waiting for this one.

  7. @ Ow My Balls, Ever think about how blacks react to being called out?

    It’s a phenomenon none of us deplorable crackers can figure out.

    When I get pulled over for speeding or similar, I shut my mouth. I say as little as possible, I know this guy is waiting for me to say. Yeah, well you got me.

    The majority of the black population doesn’t understand they will have their day in court. They want to argue the situation right then and there.

    That’s how they get shot, once they commit felony assault.

    I bet the CCL holder said something like, where is your Packard?

    To which he recieved the following.


    Tell me you wouldn’t say FUCK YOU back.

  8. old_oaks

    I’ve had a CHL since they became legal in Texas over two decades ago. 1) I don’t act like a cop, it’s not my job, 2) I don’t engage in a Breach of the Peace, it’s a misdemeanor here including yelling the “F” word, 3) I avoid low-IQ people, and 4) I de-escalate verbal threats. Say whatever you want, just don’t physically threaten me, that’s communicated very very clearly. It’s worked so far.

    Drejka is an a-hole, he has done this before according to the article. He picks fights with people probably because he carries a gun. It would have been best for the world if they had both deceased.

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