Little Boy Ingests His Father’s Meth – Criminal Addict Wouldn’t Let Anyone Call For Help – IOTW Report

Little Boy Ingests His Father’s Meth – Criminal Addict Wouldn’t Let Anyone Call For Help


A hungry 8-year-old ingested crystal meth, perhaps thinking it was cereal, and died as his father refused to seek help, police say. Curtis Collman III died June 21 in Crothersville, Ind., with 180 times the lethal dose of methamphetamine in his system, reports BuzzFeed. Court documents show Curtis had awoken his father earlier that morning asking for food. Curtis Collman III reportedly said there was no food and went back to sleep. When he awoke later, he found his son bouncing his face off the floor and scratching at himself, police say. Without working lights in the home, the boy might have ingested his father’s meth, left on a plate in the kitchen, thinking it was cereal, says a detective with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department. He adds the boy suffered for hours as his father prevented friends and family from calling 911, even threatening one person with a gun.

A friend said 41-year-old Collman declared he wasn’t going back to prison, ripped a phone out of her hand, aimed a gun at her, and threatened to kill all three of them, an affidavit reads, reports the Washington Post.


10 Comments on Little Boy Ingests His Father’s Meth – Criminal Addict Wouldn’t Let Anyone Call For Help

  1. No food in the house, but he has a bowl full of meth. If it was up to me he wouldn’t have to worry about going back to jail. Bury him, you don’t even need to kill him first. Just bury him and pretend he never existed.

  2. bullets are to quick for this soulless lump.
    industrial shredder, feet first, stop it when he gets to the knee.
    waterboard him but use bleach.
    hand him over to MS13 and tell them he’s hiding meth in his ass.

  3. What a horrible story, that poor kid had to suffer like that. Some things that happen now days still have the ability to shock even those that think they’ve heard it all.
    Sadder still is that there’s plenty of good people out there that would love to have given that kid a good home and a chance at a decent life.

  4. Post-Partum abortion – nothing to see, here … move along …

    This isn’t a DRUG problem: This is a MORALITY problem.

    Pandora’s box and all that shit – once the lid’s off – once God is dead – everything – EVERY-fucking-THING! – is permitted.

    izlamo delenda est …


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