Dems Get Participation Trophy In Ohio – IOTW Report

Dems Get Participation Trophy In Ohio

The RNC has already produced an ad mocking the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC for coming in second in the Ohio special election yesterday. Watch

8 Comments on Dems Get Participation Trophy In Ohio

  1. It’s an AWFUL “ad.” It seems like it was done by the GOPe side of the Republican Party…almost goading Democrats to “get out the vote” in November instead of exposing the corruption/danger of the Dems (or reinforcing the strength of the GOP side).

  2. I’m not so confident that the R win will stand. I’ve been through Al Franken stealing his senatorial seat and this is too close to be victory dancing, yet.

    I wouldn’t be poking them in the eye until it’s over. And I agree with Czar. Giving the left a reason to fight harder is not what we should be doing now.

    This push back against the “Blue Wave” by saying it will be a Red Wave just makes me so nervous. I know my feelings come from living in Minnesota for 30 years, but I know what the left can do.

    DON’T BE COMPLACENT or over confident. Massive voter fraud will happen.

  3. Why is it that when Dems lose an election bags of uncounted ballots are always found. Whatever happened to Trump’s election investigation? And in other news more people voted in a Georgia election than registered. Nothing to see here folks just keep moving along.

  4. “Moral victory” LOL

    Oh. That’s what you call it when you spend 4 million to loose a seat you weren’t going to hold for more than a couple months even if you did win it. I hope they keep up that pace and spend a billion for 250 more moral victories in November.


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