Satanist Told To Go To Perdition With Their Devil Statue in Arkansas – IOTW Report

Satanist Told To Go To Perdition With Their Devil Statue in Arkansas

A monument to the Ten Commandments was restored to the grounds of the Arkansas state capital this week. The replacement came a year after the first monument was destroyed after being deliberately struck by a vehicle.

The re-installation was greeted by roughly 1o0 protestors, including a group of Satanists who brought their own statue of Baphomet on a flat bed and demanded it be installed as well on the capital grounds. State senator Jason Rapert (R- Conway), who is considered “the driving force behind” the 10 commandments monument stated “It will be a very cold day in hell” before the state of Arkansas gives in to the demands of the Satanist. More 

9 Comments on Satanist Told To Go To Perdition With Their Devil Statue in Arkansas

  1. Oh, they want to put a statute of Baphomet? Whew – I thought they wanted statues of Bill and Hillary Clinton; that’s where I draw the line.


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