It seems there is a word, which when uttered, means that any and all violence directed toward the utterer is somehow justified – IOTW Report

It seems there is a word, which when uttered, means that any and all violence directed toward the utterer is somehow justified

How did we get here, so hypnotized into thinking that there is a word that possesses so much power that when invoked it can cause the person who uttered it into being “justifiably” beaten up? (Are we at the point, yet, where it justifies putting the person to death?)

What makes this the absurdity of all absurdities is that this is not a word that is rarely heard. In fact, it is probably the most used word in an inner city black person’s limited vocabulary. I hear it more than I care to hear it.

I ask, what is more divisive than blacks being able to use a word with abandon, but if a non-black says it it’s cause for sending that person to the hospital?

This is simply a cultural construct the the left has concocted and it makes little sense.

Look at the video linked. A white woman on a bus, in exasperation, calls a woman “THE WORD.”  She was fed up with the woman blasting her music on a crowded bus. It’s a reasonable request that a fellow citizen respect other citizens by not blaring your music in a confined public space. It only takes one lowlife, low IQ moron to tear the fabric of a civil society. It also only takes but a moment to impulsively use a word that you feel will inflict an in-kind impact upon a moron who blasts their music in your ear. It doesn’t necessarily make you a racist. It could simply make you a person at the breaking point who chooses a word you are told you should never use, and you use it against an asshole who blasts music when they are told they shouldn’t do that- an ill-conceived tit for tat.

When the woman uses the word there are audible gasps in the bus, as if to say, “well, I never…”

Never? My guess is that everyone on that bus has used the word. But when the “wrong” person uses it she ends up on the sidewalk in a crumpled heap in a pool of blood, and the conventional thinking is that “she got what she asked for.”


The comments on the video are depressing.


ht/ fdr in hell

48 Comments on It seems there is a word, which when uttered, means that any and all violence directed toward the utterer is somehow justified

  1. And the CEO of a company states the word, in a discussion, as one that he does not use, and he is fired.

    It’s all about power and control. Those without power have latched onto it as a means to power. Still, it won’t work unless there are a multitude of hand-wringing liberals supporting them.

  2. Yeah, well, the word “booger” does that to me.

    “Is that a booger in your mustache?”
    Sends me into paroxysms of rage.
    “Yo, dude – there’s a booger in your beer.”

    I don’t know why, but I just get all hot and sweaty – foaming at the mouth angry!

    Words have power.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Let’s see now, Odumbshit and John Kerry were never able to say “Islamic Terrorist”, but didn’t have a problem giving these killers 150 billion dollars.

    Fight back people, it feels good.

  4. Is there someone who hasn’t been in a public place with a dumb shit who thought the song on their phone was so lit that they had to turn up as loud as the phone’s crappy speaker would go?

    This is what’s called a trap.

    Someone please say something to me about what an obnoxious piece of shit I’m being. You don’t even have to say The Word. Any response is equal to The Word because I know what you’re thinking.

  5. Black commentator was asked why he wasn’t upset at the word “nigger.”
    (can’t remember his name)

    “Because I’m not a nigger.” Was his response.

    Lucid, truthful, and to the point. It’s a shame that most of them see themselves as niggers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I think no matter her wording, the outcome would have been the same. In our current world of feral Low-Q’s and smartphones, one is not allowed to proffer critique without wrath.


    It’s your chance to tell culture what is and is not important.

    Say what you want, but have a gun to MAKE SURE that what you say is protected by the 2nd Amendment.

    Thank you Founding Fathers.

  8. Oh good gravy.
    Let me tell you. I’ve never used the word unless I was repeating and making fun of someone who did, but once, I got a strange look when I did.
    One guy said something so stupid to me: [Keep in mind, they were supposed to be my (black) friend]

    “You can’t say that! you ain’t 100% black.”

    Me: “1. I am mocking someone. 2. The meaning of a word doesn’t change depending on the shade of skin, does it?”

    “Yeah, but”

    “Yeah, but nothing! It’s either a racist word or it isn’t.”

    If someone is too stupid for common sense, they should be avoided.

  9. Waaaaay back in 1985 …There were three of us who only had

    three months or so left in the Air Force…all Weapons Guys ..

    So it didn’t make sense to put any of us on a 3 Man Weapons Team

    (a lot of training) So they sent us down to EOR De-arm

    that’s End of Runway De-Armament ..Basically Making the Plane Safe

    All of us were the same rank….So We took turns being in charge

    Two Black Guys and Me…We changed NCIC (Non Commissioned Officer

    in Charge) To HNIC (Head Nigger in Charge) and it became our running

    joke…We even answered the Phone that way( although ran together

    really fast)

    Damn…We used to have a sense of humor..

  10. I get it. Poor woman should be able to say what she wants. But, just know the feral mob of hoodrats would have beat up anyone who complained about their ignorant behavior by calling them niggers.
    For her own safety, it just would have been better not to start something you can’t finish. Of course things would have gone better if she was armed. But since she seemed a little off and out numbered, things go sideways fast.

  11. Yes, BUT: there is a
    “I’m acting like as much of a naive fuck as the Western twits who biked through ISIS territory to show how tolerant they were and died anyway”
    mitigating factor…

    (ask ANYONE who’s from D.C. …the only thing WORSE would be SOUTHeast D.C.)

    NOT a justification, but IS a legitimate fact to factor in.

  12. Chris Rock says that N****rs just fuck everything up: “I’m tired, tired, tired, tired of this shit, tired of this shit, JUST FUCKING TIRED OF THIS SHIT.” And the black people in the audience just roared approval. I too am tired of this shit.

  13. An acquaintance is in a field of work where black youth call one another “nigger” all the time, yet never in real anger. It’s all couched in mock aggression which is really frivolity and jest. This is known to all of us, in addition to its usage in rap. They know that white folks understand that blacks can use the word whenever they choose, and whites cannot. They further do not care about, or maybe can’t even realize, their hypocrisy. Because being black, they’ve earned it, I guess.

    Let the word even SEEM to be about to come out of your white mouth and they either feign great offense (at your potentially grievous expense) or are truly offended because it’s free and easy to claim offense, as it costs them nothing.

    Worst part is, whether they’re serious or not, seeking to reimpose order upon such situations is invariably seen as racist, giving them tacit permission to kick it up a level.

    Oddly enough, it doesn’t matter if the person seeking to reimpose order is black or white — the order they represent is a result of whiteness and so is always rejected out of hand.

    Society will not–WILL NOT–survive tolerating growing numbers of such people. As The Police sang on one of their albums, “Something somewhere has to break.” And it’ll break on the white side. Only question is when and where.

  14. Gotta wonder how many times what passes for music incorporated that particular term during the ride’s entertainment. Musical appreciation isn’t what it used to be.

    Thank G-d the bus wasn’t in Southeast. She’d likely be dead.

    No arrests, eh? She said a word that whitey ain’t allowed to say, ao that means assault as a response is within bounds of an acceptable response, right? Remember DC voted 97% for the hildebeest.

    Grool, you nailed it with the “seeking to reimpose order upon such situations” and how people have been trained to reject the effort as racist. As is being on time, using math and the Engish language with any proficiency. Everything is racist and it’s open season in some locales.

  15. I noticed this phenomenon in the 1970s.
    There is a word no white person can ever say, but blacks can.
    Is there a word that blacks can’t say, that whites can?
    Is there an even playing field in anything related to race?
    No because the lefties have destroyed all reason, logic, fairness, polite discussion, ie everything they come in contact with.

  16. A White getting on a bus full of Baltimore Blacks is like a steak
    doing a header into a shark pool.
    If you need to use that ride for
    transportation you need to change
    your life (if you want to keep it).

  17. “Is there a word that blacks can’t say, that whites can?”

    A phrase, maybe:

    “I don’t hate you.”

    Many blacks can never allow other blacks to hear that come out of their mouths, even if that is their true heart about whites.

  18. as a white person, imo there is no reason nor justification to utter this word.

    I am a 53 yr old white guy and I have never once had occasion to utter it – even when frustrated and being, generally, a ‘kiss my ass’ kind of person if you met me in public and I didn’t know you..

    we all are able to choose from a relative cornucopia of expletives – like ‘stupid fuking a$$hole, or loud-mouthed pea-brain, pencil dik moron… or simply, the tried and true: “FUK YOU!”.

  19. I believe we can work around this false affrontery (is this a word?); from this point forward we use the term “Stoopid Person of Color” to replace the Enn-word. Thus the right-thinking person,leaving the bus says; You Dumb-assed ‘Person of Color’ and thus ALL of those lumped in together by the left are now painted with the same stinky brush. I’m bettin’ this won’t be well received but it was their word…..

  20. How are these “people of color” any different than Antifa? Or Black Lives Matter (in all actuality a white group), or the Libtards that beat up Trump supporters. They beat the white woman because they had an excuse. The desire to beat her was always there. The word was the catalyst. This is a “Lowest common denominator” mind set the left carefully constructed. The Left is our mortal enemy and must be eradicated.

  21. Now, no old lady deserves a beatdown.
    I do not enter the argument about the hypocrisy. It’s like the argument about whether blacks can be racist. Of course they can. You’re just not allowed to notice. These are the new rules.
    However that lady played by the old rules. The rules that state that a harmless old lady would not be attacked for a poor choice of words. She hid behind the old societal norm. But, as evidenced by the shot of her bloodied on the sidewalk, blacks could give a shit about societal norms.

  22. Watched the video. They had already hit her at least once BEFORE she called them niggers. She is clutching her head and says something like, “I just wanted you to turn down your music…you smacked my head…”

  23. Left bleeding on a sidewalk, no such black on white violence? Just don’t use “our” word! Fuck you Oprah, you greedy worthless pig! Thanks for proliferating your entitled uneducated selection justifying this kind of hatred. I am never this riled up when it’s black on black crime, yea and this is why no matter what, makes me a “racist”. The media portrays the US as being 50/50. And uneducated blacks believe it. Wish this happened to some MSM teleprompter pussy! It’s a shame a white woman had to use public transportation on her own dime. Thanks BFH for making this a point. Not that she was right, but not that the trash mob rules. Of course a unedited victim vid is never to be found.

  24. I am with Czar. I would never use public transportation in a predominately black area. I have seen what can happen around feralI POS, and I am not a risk taker.

  25. the reason blacks get so upset when whites use the word nigger is because they really believe they are niggers. that’s why they call each other nigger all the time. ever since oj got away with butchering two white people niggers found out they can attack whites all day long as long they say they are offended by something. whites better wake up. we are in the middle of a race war and don’t even know it.

  26. Personally, the worse the insult towards me, the better the laugh. I don’t get why niggers are so uptight. Maybe that’s why they be shootin’ each other and the need to remind themselves about how they matter. Like a suicide victim being talked down off a cliff. You’re important, you matter, you mean something, someone loves you. Fuck sake, I’d go on a killing spree if it was myself with a bunch of fat progressives virtue signalling my direction.

  27. Anyone remember how “funny” is was when our parents would get upset when hearing the word “fuck”

    Remember when the superior ones just “knew” how ridiculous this was and how they shouldn’t get “uptight” about it.

    Cool it man, don’t get uptight; it’s just a word!! What’s your problem, ma-a-a-an!!

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