President Joe Biden? The Left’s Desperation – IOTW Report

President Joe Biden? The Left’s Desperation


Liberty Nation—Former vice president Joe Biden has all the looks of a man who will be running for president in 2020, according to observers.

A report in The Hill states that Biden’s campaign stops on behalf of Democratic candidates in the midterm elections, especially focusing on parts of the country won by President Trump in 2016, indicate a third run for the White House is in Biden’s future.


“You can kind of see what his strategy is not just in terms of 2018 but in terms of 2020,” a Democratic strategist told The Hill.

“He’s essentially going to the places Democrats need desperately if they want to win in the midterms and the presidential election. This is very much a pre-presidential campaign campaign.”

Party Killer

Biden may very well be positioning himself for a tussle with Trump, but the main problem for him and Democrats as a whole is that he seems more like a rerun of Hillary Clinton.

No, not Hillary vs. Trump. We’re talking Hillary vs. Bernie Sanders – the Democratic nomination battle that revealed major tensions between the party establishment and progressive activists.  more

21 Comments on President Joe Biden? The Left’s Desperation

  1. Crazy Joe is another highly successful American politician (which means he is very adept at getting filthy rich at the voters and taxpayers expense)! He has made a career out of it and apparently he isn’t through yet!

  2. lololol this Joe Biden?

    “Aug 15, 2018 · Former Vice President Joe Biden is not well enough to be the keynote speaker at the annual “Democrat Day,” Thursday in Springfield, Ill…..”

    Walkin’ a mile in Hillary’s shoe, I guess

  3. What could be any more entertaining than that doofus running for president?
    Although a Hillary rerun or a Crazy Bernie rerun, or an Alexandria Shit-For-Brains-Cortazio run wouldn’t be bad either.

  4. SHHH!!!!
    Don’t say a WORD!
    I swear, I can imagine they might actually DO this!
    😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮

    (…with Ocasio-Horseteeth as VP!)


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