Guy goes around shooting women drivers because.. they’re women drivers. – IOTW Report

Guy goes around shooting women drivers because.. they’re women drivers.

He doesn’t care much for the way they drive… so he shoots them.

Sounds reasonable. Somehow the law doesn’t agree.


A mom in Katy, Texas, was driving into a local car wash on July 10 when she heard a “boom” and felt a sudden pain in her arm. When she parked, she realized she’d been shot by a bullet that ended up lodged just inches from her heart. Now authorities say that the shooting was just one of many that 29-year-old Nicholas D’Agostino committed because of his “very dim view” of women…

According to ABC 13, D’Agostino, who’s admitted to being involved in five different road rage incidents and shot at six female drivers, was recently arrested twice for two similar shootings. He was apprehended last month on suspicion of the July shooting, then again on Thursday for allegedly shooting another female driver in the arm near the same car wash back in March. In both cases, authorities say D’Agostino said he shot at the women out of self-defense after they swerved into his lane.

“It was vehicular manslaughter,” D’Agostino told ABC 13 of the July shooting. “It’s almost happened to me before.


ht/ jd hasty

19 Comments on Guy goes around shooting women drivers because.. they’re women drivers.

  1. “Maybe if they didn’t talk on their frickin’ cell phones when they drive . .”

    And the farding. I read where drivers “lost in thought” were responsible for more distracted driving incidents than phone talkers. I wonder if “lost in thought” includes thinking how pretty one is in the rear view mirror.

  2. When they wrote .45 mm weapon, did they mean 45 mm which would be a monster, or .45 mm, meaning less than half a millimeter, which would be a pinprick? Or did they mean they obviously don’t know squat about firearms?

  3. “It was vehicular manslaughter,” D’Agostino told ABC 13 of the July shooting. “It’s almost happened to me before.”

    Dude’s so double-ugly, that, as a woman gripped by sheer disgust, I might try to run him off the road too.

  4. @ Anonymous
    “Maybe if they didn’t talk on their frickin’ cell phones when they drive . . .”

    True that! Had one change lanes and almost take the front bumper off my Jeep last week and was so oblivious that I doubt she even knew what planet she was on. Dumb bitch had three little ones in the back seat and I had my three year-old in my Jeep w/me.

    Had a customer who was plowed into at a stoplight by a woman putting on makeup in the rear-view mirror. Never even touched the brake and calculated impact velocity was 55 mph. Left the guy quadriplegic. I used to pass a 20 something woman who was changing her outfit behind the wheel of a vehicle going northbound through Olympia on Interstate 5 every Friday. I contacted the State Patrol repeatedly but they never responded. Read in the paper about the accident she caused a couple years later that resulted in very serious injuries.


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