Conservatives Win ‘Biggest Victory’ Against Unions Since Supreme Court Decision On Forced Dues – IOTW Report

Conservatives Win ‘Biggest Victory’ Against Unions Since Supreme Court Decision On Forced Dues

Daily Caller: A Washington union agreed to stop skimming dues out of the paychecks of home health care workers caring for patients with Medicaid, according to the Freedom Foundation.

The free market think tank Freedom Foundation filed a federal class-action lawsuit against Washington state and local 775 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in July. The lawsuit stemmed from the state taking union due payments out of Medicaid payments to the home health care workers on behalf of their clients.

Other states stopped the practice in 2014 after the Supreme Court ruled in Harris v. Quinn that deducting union dues without the express consent of the home health care worker was unconstitutional. The dues, known as “agency fees” for workers not explicitly members of the union, were meant to cut down on free-riding, or benefitting from collective bargaining without financing the union’s activities.

“It’s difficult to understate how brazen unions like SEIU can be when it comes to taking other people’s money,” Freedom Foundation director of labor policy Maxford Nelsen told The Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement. “In this case, it took two U.S. Supreme Court decisions and a federal class-action lawsuit just to get SEIU 775 to stop seizing 3.2 percent of caregivers’ wages without their permission. And the complicity of the state in this scheme is frankly disgusting.”  read more

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