John Kerry Regrets Choosing ‘Breck Girl’ As VP Running Mate – IOTW Report

John Kerry Regrets Choosing ‘Breck Girl’ As VP Running Mate


John Kerry On John Edwards: Vice Presidential Qualities ‘Didn’t Measure Up’.

Former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry suggested in a Sunday CBS News interview that he regrets choosing John Edwards as his vice presidential running mate during the 2004 presidential elections.

In an interview on “Face The Nation,” former secretary of state John Kerry answered in the affirmative when asked if he regretted picking then-North Carolina Democratic Sen. John Edwards as his running mate.

“I write in the book about the qualities that you are looking for when you choose a vice president and I think when you articulate those qualities and then you measure what took place against the qualities that I very much lay out there that you’re looking for, it — it didn’t measure up. It wasn’t what we had hoped for,” he told host Margaret Brennan. “So there was some disappointment in that.”

The “book” Kerry referred to is his soon-to-be released memoir: “Every Day is Extra.” The upcoming autobiography details Kerry’s life as a soldier, Vietnam War protester and subsequent political career. The subject of his life was discussed at length during his exchange with Brennan. The timing of his memoir stokes further speculation that the longtime Massachusetts senator is mulling another presidential bid — something he did not deny.

“I’m really not thinking about it,” he said when asked point-blank if will run in 2020. “Talking about 2020 right now is a total distraction and waste of time. What we need to do is focus on 2018.” read more

The Breck Girl’s Poverty Tour.

20 Comments on John Kerry Regrets Choosing ‘Breck Girl’ As VP Running Mate

  1. This is the smartest thing I’ve every heard him say. If this country has anything to be grateful to George W. Bush for, its that he barely defeated Al Gore and handily defeated this phony war hero.

  2. First John McLame blamed Sarah Palin for losing the election. Now John Effin Kerry blames John Edwards for losing his election. I’m seeing a trend. Hillary has yet to Blame Tim Keane for losing HER election, but that is the only excuse she hasn’t used. I expect to hear it in the next few weeks.

  3. Quite alarming, actually, that the D’s are even considering recycling yet another ancient dodo from their party. Some of these guys (and gals) are like the Norma Desmonds of politics. What’s with that?

  4. The timing of this smells like a round about way of yet again praising John McCain, between the lines, and that JM would have been a stronger contender for the presidency if he hadn’t been wrongly advised to pick that awful deficient Alaskan woman as his vp running mate. It was the single greatest mistake of his otherwise brilliant political career. iow he wasn’t the big loser his detractors believe he was. It was Sarah’s fault. Just as it was John Edwards fault for the failure of the Kerry campaign. It was JE that blocked JK from winning. It’s always someone else’s fault. Ah, yeah right, whatever.

  5. John Kerry picked himself to be his running mate; a few years younger and of course more handsome – because that was how he saw himself …
    These two were the same – staring at each other in the mirror. Someone beat me to it …HT – but they were a great pair, both being insufferable narcissists – I second this.

  6. Tom Heneghen reported that shocking information is contained in Kerry’s divorce records, and is used to blackmail and control him.

    John Kerry (“Cash and Carry”) has been filmed in a snuff porn video with underage girls in England.

    Heneghen, a friend and advisor of Al Gore, with Intelligence connections, says Kerry is an agent of British Intelligence (MI-6).

    Not only are both Presidential candidates members of a secret satanic society, the Skull and Bones, they are related as well! Kerry is a third cousin of George W. Bush on his mother’s side.


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